Chapter 29

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Annabeth's POV

It was the last thing I wanted to see.

He was breathing painfully, sweat running down his face. Riptide was embedded in his chest, barely missing his heart.

Grover was frozen into place. I ran foward, almost tripping on something.


He had taken out the sword and had aimed in back down where his heart was.

His eyes met mine, and I gripped the blade tight. His hands were shaking. I was thankful that he couldn't use his full strength- if he did, he would have already killed himself.

Killed himself.

Chills ran up my spine. No. I wouldn't of. I wouldn't of died in such a cowardly way.

"How did I die?"

Tears ran down his cheeks, the first time seeing him cry. He dropped Riptide, and his arms fell limply beside him.

"I can't do this anymore."

I grabbed his shoulders. "Please. What happened? What happened to me?"

"Do you care?"

"... huh?"

"Would you care if I died?"

"Of course?"

"... what would happen?"

"People would be sad. So stop." I sighed. "Let's go to the infirmary."

"Then why did you?"

I froze.

"If you know so well, why did you?"

"... what?"

"You knew what would be left of me. You know-" he took a deep breath.

Water washed down on him as Grover turned on the shower. His clothes became sopping wet, showing the network of scars over his muscles.

The hole in his chest healed, the blood washing down with the water. Soon, he looked like as if nothing had happened before.

Water trickled down the drain, dripping from his jeans and white shirt.

I took a deep breath. "Do not ever do that again."

His head dropped.

I sat down on the wet tiles.


He covered his face with his hands. "I'm sorry."

You knew what would be left of me.


Percy's POV

"You know there are too many campers opposing."

Annabeth sighed. "You saw what he could do. With those powers, we might have a chance."

"Annabeth. Gaea is a primordial."

"A half asleep primordial." I added.

Nico scowled. "You get what I'm saying."

"You know we can't win without a god here."

"I talked to Athena."


"In a dream. She wanted to know what was happening."

".... and she said?"

"If camp fought, she would be fighting beside us. She didn't like Gaea in the first place." She explained.

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