Chapter 1

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With half lidded eyes you watched the long stretches of trees slowly turn into the outskirts of a city.

Detroit Michigan.

Your teeth and gums began to feel sore. This was your eighth piece of gum in the last few hours.

You had two packets left, they would half heartedly fill your need for food until you reached your new home.

Your older brother tapped two fingers against the steering wheel as he drove into the city.

"I'm honestly considering turning you into a mental institution ya know?" He blurted out suddenly.

Your eyes lazily flowed in his direction.

"I mean, a big city like Detroit. What in god's name are you thinking, (y/n)?" He question, weariness laced his voice.

What were you thinking?

Fuck the country side, that's what you were thinking.

You loved your old home and your old town, yes you did. But it was so perfect, too perfect.

Decent schools, decent people, quiet except on holidays, just enough space, wide fields.

It was everything you loved, everything good basically. But too much of a good thing is never good.

You grew tired of your quiet little life, you wanted more. No, you needed more. You needed noisy excitement and adventure. You needed bright lights, a place that barely slept. You needed a place like Detroit.

Ever since the autobots landed on the robotic city it just intensified everything. It was everything you wanted in your life.

"I'm thinking I need something new."

"What if you get killed (y/n)? Just because those robots are the supposed good guys doesn't mean they'll protect you!"

You rolled your eyes, your brother was always a worry wart. He had to be the voice of reason, all the time; every day.

"Really? There's plenty of people in Detroit who never get hurt! You're over reacting, like always."

He sighed heavily, mumbling 'I just care about you' mainly to himself.

You looked forward, the corners of your lips curling upwards into a excited smile.

Here you were! In the heart of Detroit! You couldn't be happier.

There was traffic, something you and your brother weren't familiar with. He quickly grew frustrated with the bumper-to-bumper streets, you, on the other hand fell in love with it. It gave you plenty of time to watch the street go-ers. The hotdog carts, the billboards, the angry beeps and honks. Every little noise was like a symphony to your ears, you grinned from ear to ear.

When the two of you reached your new apartment you squealed and shook with excitement.

Your brother was kind enough to carry your bags for you.

You were always concerned for his health. You personally thought he did too much hard labor with too little rest, he needed to slow down and do a little less.

You twisted the key and swung the door open. You had been smart enough to move your furniture here two weeks in advance. This meant that back home you had slept on the living room couch but you could care less.

You had your brother set down your luggage next to the (f/c) sofa before he plopped down and relaxed. He took your remote and flicked the tv on.

You took your cellphone, wallet and keys and placed them in your jean pockets. Throwing on your (f/c) zip-up hoodie, you headed for the door.

"What are you doing?" You brother questioned, dragging his eyes away from the tv.

"Going for a walk. I gotta get acquainted with the neighborhood."

"Ok," he responded, sounding uneasy. "But make sure to text me in a few hours ok?"

"Got it bro." You pecked his cheek and headed out the door.

You locked the door behind you. The light breeze messing with your (h/l), (h/c) every so slightly. You grinned like a madman.

"Detroit Michigan here I come."

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