I looked through the rows of tables trying to find that dirty blonde head of hair. I needed to ask him so many things, I needed to tell him so many things.

At the last left corner table he sat alone in a dark gray suit. His hands rested on the table, a pair of handcuffs around them. I took out the bright yellow plastic chair from under and took a seat. He looked up as I noticed how a long and wide scar had decorated his right cheek, probably from a fight with a cell mate. His eyes, icy blue and cold, carrying the weight of the world.

"Jackie, it's great to see you." he said in a husky voice, I smiled weakly but only nodded. "It was a surprise when I was told who it was."

"I came..- I came to talk to you." It came out weak. He mouth turned into a small but visible smirk, that made my blood burn a bit.

"Is that so, are you here to beg me to take you back? That Logan wasn't the man you thought he was? How predictable of a pretty boy."

"Don't flatter yourself Christopher. Don't think so much of yourself, Logan is the man I thought he was and more. What'd you expect? That a silly little threat was going to pry us apart? Even so.. how was it that you were going to even win me back? By your pathetic little threats against my kids, my family. You're surely delusional." His silence made me bold but sure it scared me what he had to say after my speech of scrutiny was over.

"I know you well. Don't forget that, I loved you Chris. I really did, you were gone overseas and I thought that I'd never see you, alive at least. But you came back, I was happy but apparently it wasn't enough for you. You decided to cheat on me with Eliza or Lisa, or whatever her name was. I'll never understand why, but in reality it doesn't matter. Because I have him." He played with his hands and eyed me carefully.

"You just don't understand my reasons. To the world I seem like a psychotic murderer. All I wanted was you, you were the only girl who showed restraints against me. With a flick of my wrists I had all the women I wanted and even those I didn't. But you were a challenge that I accepted. And when that pretty boy came into the picture it made me desire you even more. That's why I put everything out and my head hatched the plan to pull you apart with Chelsea. But she just had fall in love with me." His grin of malice gave me a chill that ran up and down my back.

"You're unbelievable." I spat.

"Is that so? I would assume you'd say that right after one night you and I together. Then your words would have all the backup they needed."

I shook my head in disbelief. "I just want to know who it is that is giving you the information about us. Yes, I know you're spying on us. The truth of the matter is that you can't get Logan away from me. I know everything. Before the transfusion, and let me tell you you're the most despicable person I've ever met." The words poured out of my mouth with no hesitation. My blood boiled and burned with such intensity it could've burned the table where we were at.

"So you know? It doesn't surprise me really, pretty boy never really knew how to keep a promise." His voice -that I once found irresistible- taunted me, almost begging me tear him into shreds that instant, and if wasn't for the guards around us I probably would have.

"He kept it, I was the one who broke it because I was the one who started being a bitch to him. I was the one who threw him out of my home. But your little pitiful plan was only but to fail. So I want and I demand for you tell me who's working for you. Who's giving you information about our daily lives?" I slammed my hand onto the cold hard table gaining scowls from other people but I couldn't have cared less for them. He seemed surprised at my new found voice, after all I'd always been the quiet one.

"Lets just say he's been a great use for me, but to bad he such a warm hearted. He melts at the first sight of attraction, that's weakness, something I can not work with. Of course with the warning I gave him he should know whats best for him." His wry smirk made me want to pounce and tear his icy blue eyes from their sockets.

In My Viens (Sequel to "Enchanted")Where stories live. Discover now