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                                                               E P I L O G U E

                                                         {Six weeks later}

                                                              Point of View:

                                       {{Dani (The not-so-normal human freckled teenage girl)}}


The door shuts behind us and I sigh in relief, "I can't believe they let you and your dad off just like that."

We just left the trial they had for Aaron and his dad, and I was all prepared for the worst. Thankfully, the worst did not come.

Aaron swings our hands in between us, "Well, I think once we explained everything they understood. We just needed to get the truth out about Atropos, apparently. I'm really glad dad isn't going back to Hades, though."

I bump my shoulder with his, "I'm really glad you aren't going to Hades."

He throws back his head and laughs, "Yeah. that too."

We hop onto the sidewalk, and start walking down towards Main Street. I pull my jacket tighter across my body, the chilly January air creeping inside my clothes.

Aaron pulls me closer to him just as it begins to snow, the flurries coming down around us like powdered sugar on a cake. They stick between my eyelashes, making the world a bright twinkling mess.

A dusting of snow begins to appear on Aaron's head, and I run my hand over his head several times, making the snow melt and his hair stick up everywhere. 

He glares at me and I burst out laughing. It hits the air crystal clear like bells, and Aaron opens the door to our favorite bakery, making actual bells ring.

We walk in, and the immediate scent of pumpkin hits us. I rub my hands together in an attempt to get warm, and make my way over to the fire in the corner of the small room as Aaron beelines towards the baked goods.

I watch him as I try to get warm, a fuzzy feeling taking over as I see his smile spread across his face. He told me what happened soon after I woke up six weeks ago. 

He told me everything. All about his dad, and Atropos, and most importantly about what he did for me. He gave up his immortality for me. 

When I ran out of his apartment building six weeks ago, I was worried. Worried that love didn't mean anything to him anymore. I was worried that he had loved so many times that it had become dull, mundane. 

But when he gave up his immortality for me, when he fought for me, that's when I knew that what we had was real.

Aaron walks back over and hands me a cup and a cookie. I accept them gratefully, and we walk out of the bakery, keeping on down Main Street.

"Amanda wants to double date this weekend," I say around a mouthful of chocolate chips.

He rolls his eyes, "I hate double dates."

I shove him with my arm, and he fake stumbles away. "Well, get over it. I told her we would."

We walk in silence a few more feet and I mess with the sleeve of my cup. Aaron takes my hand, running his fingers across the joints.

'You wanna go sit at the lake?" He asks, taking another sip of coffee.

I nod, "Yeah."

We found out a while ago that we like the lake. We like just sitting and watching the ducks, or the fish, or whatever. We like to talk, play questionare games, and just be ourselves. Neither of us like crowds, and the lake is never crowded.

There might be a few people every now and then but primarily there's no one around.

Aaron and I sit on the bench right next to the lake, and I look over the lake. It's frozen, of course, and it's beautiful. It's bright, and glaring, and splendid.

There's a sole girl on the ice, spinning and spinning in circles. She curls inward and spins out, and I catch my breath at how beautiful it looks.

My life has taken a brighter outlook since I woke up six weeks ago. I began to find the things in life more beautiful than before.

All of a sudden, I realized Aaron isn't going to leave me. He's staying, right here. 

To remind myself of that, I squeeze his fingers.

He looks over at me, a slight smile dusting his face.

"You were worth it, you know."

I blush pink. He's told me this every day since I woke up, and it will never be enough.

I move closer to him on the bench, warming because of his body heat.

"You know," He says, shifting a little into me, "I think the Furies and Fates chose you to keep an eye on me because you were the most normal person they could find. I don't think they ever thought you would defy them and choose me."

I look up at him, snow blurring my vision, "I'd pick you every time."

He smiles a smile brighter than the snow, and kisses my forehead. And we sit together until the sun sets and it drops twenty degrees and I remember I am his and he is mine and that will always and forever be.



This has been quite the journey.

This is the fastest, I've ever written a book, (a little over two months) and the longest book I've ever written.

I was motivated every single day to write because I knew I actually had people reading it, and that was the coolest feeling. So thank you to everyone who has read/commented/voted. 








Thank you :) 


The girl at the lake? She's the main character in my next novel, Axel! I know, I'm so sneaky. So if you guys want to keep reading my stuff, that will be next! I would be honored and delighted :)

Thank you all again.

This is going to be entered in the Watty's also :)

I have no dreams of winning, since this book isn't that popular, but I would still like to say I entered :)

I love you all to pieces.

Thank you all <3

~Juliana True 

Fates, Furies and Freckles(Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now