είκοσι οχτώ

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                                                             {Present Day}

                                                               Point of View:

                                       {{Dani (The normal human freckled teenage girl)}}


I hear the garage door go up as soon as I get off the phone with Aaron. We talked for over an hour, just about random things. I filled him in on the math notes for our test this week, and he told me about the volcano that erupted in Pompeii. His story took a bit longer than mine, as you can imagine. I hang up after telling him to feel better.

I pull out my red laptop from underneath a pile of clothes on my bed and turn it on. While I wait for it to start up, I turn on my music on my phone as loud as it will go.

"Carry on, my wayward sonnnn. There'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to reeeest. Don't you cry no more," 

"ALLLLL the Supernatural feels!" I yell at my iPod as my laptop dings that it has sucessfully turned on.

"And this is why I'm glad that I sleep at the opposite end of the house..." 

I look up in surprise, to see my dad standing in the doorway holding a cup of Starbucks. I lean over and turn my music down and my dad comes over and hands me the cup.

"First pumpkin spice latte of the season," he grins and I snatch it from him. My dad might be gone a lot, but he still knows me well.

"Thanks, dad," I say and he nods in repsonse.

"Homework?" He asks, peering at my laptop.

I shrug and pull up google. "Sort of. It's research, for sure."

He nods and pats me on the leg before getting up and leaving. I turn the music back on and sit up on my bed to accommodate the need to type and drink at the same time. 

I don't know what I'm looking for exactly. I just don't want to be in the dark about anything anymore. I want to know all of it, everything. 

I cradle the cup in my hand as I type, "fates greek mythology" into the search bar.

About 153,000 results pop up within .29 seconds and I twist my hair up before clicking on the first link. It's a requirement for my hair to be out of my face when I'm researching stuff. I scroll through a small portion of basic info on greek mythology before hitting some stuff.

" In Greek mythology, the fates are three sisters. The first, Clotho is the spinner of                                     the life thread. She makes the thread, and basically gives life to all creatures in                                    mythology. The second sister, Lachesis, was the measurer of the life thread. She                                measured it out, and marked when each person would die. And last of all, Atropos                                   was the severer of the life thread."

Each name of the sisters is underlined, and I move my mouse over Atropos's name and a white box appears over the top of it, showing it's a link. I click on it and it takes me to a page all about her. 

"Atropos is the severer of the life thread. She would snip the person's thread when                               their time came, and she was also the cause of the person's death. She chose all                             manners of death, and how each individual died. Zeus had the upper hand as                                         always over these sisters, but he let them make most of their decisions and rarely                                  overrode them."

Fates, Furies and Freckles(Watty Awards 2013)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora