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                                                                  {Present Day}

                                                                    Point of View:

                                {{Dani (The normal human freckled teenage girl)}}


I feel my heart rate pick up. I think I'm going to be sick. 


Aaron glances back over to the girl and speaks again, still looking at her and not at me. "I said I don't have a sister. Why would you think that?"

I gulp, twisting my rings around and around and around on my fingers in a vain attempt to squash whatever this gross feeling in my stomach is that something is about to go down and it's gonna be very very very bad and it's all my fault and-

"Dani!" I gasp as Aaron snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"Why would you think that?" He repeats slowly, concern flitting through his irises.

"Um, no reason. You just look alike is all. Sorry, my mistake." They look nothing alike. I don't have any idea why I'm covering for this girl who I don't even know, but I do know lied to my face. Something inside me just seems to know if I tell him the truth that something nasty will happen. And I really don't want that.

He narrows his eyes at me, and spins back around to stare at the girl more. "Do you know her?" I ask timidly, chewing on my pinky nail.

Aaron bites his bottom lip and nods slowly. "Unfortunately."

I open my mouth to ask how he knows her, but at that moment his coach yells for all the swimmers for the first heat to get on the sides of the pool, and I realize I have a job to do. 

Aaron and I sit in silence for the first few heats before he gets up to line up for his first one. 

He mounts the block, and I scan the others next to him, and automatically and involuntarily notice he's the tallest one. They all dive into the water, and I click my camera to capture the boys in the pool.

He hops out moments later-having come in first- and runs back over to me. I hold up a hand for him to high five, and he does so with a huge smile on his face. 

"Nicely done," I say, focusing on the next group of swimmers ready to dive.

He snags a towel off the bleacher and sits on it. "Thanks, Freckles."

I roll my eyes, still looking through the viewfinder, "I have a name you know."

I hear him chuckle from beside me, "Yeah, but Freckles just seems to fit you better."

Clicking continues to happen on my camera, but I'm not really looking at what I'm taking pictures of. I'm too focused on the soaked boy sitting next to me, because I can feel him watching me. 

Eventually I turn to look at him, "Can I help you with something?"

He laughs and grab my camera out of my hands. "Nope."

I throw my hands up in the air in frustration as he begins going through my pictures. 

After a moment he turns to me, angling the camera so I can see it. "You do realize that in the heat I swam in, 7 out of 15 pictures are of me, right?"

Fates, Furies and Freckles(Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now