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                                                                  {Present Day}

                                                                  Point of View:

                                                   ++Pelops/Aaron++(Tantalus's Son)


I pull my car into the parking space and count to ten before getting out. The scent of gardenias hit me square in the face and I feel vaguely like throwing up. I do not enjoy the smell of flowers. I toss the keys into my pocket and jog over to the gazebo that is shrouded in spider webs and yellow jacket nests. I have absolutely no idea why we chose this spot to meet, but I'm really wishing we had chosen like a warm coffee shop or something. It's too cold, and there are too many bugs out here.

I enter the gazebo, swatting away webs with my hands, and see a hunched figure sitting on a bench.

It straightens up as I come in, and stands.

I square my shoulders. My voice is hard and unrelenting when I state, "Father."

His voice is warm and loving when he says, "Pelops."


*Three hours earlier* 

"Do you want pancakes or waffles?" I yell into the living room where Dani is laying on the couch. She just woke up after being asleep for two hours. She fell asleep about two hours after I got here, and now it's eight and I'm hungry.

She stands up and stretches like a cat before coming into the kitchen and turning the coffee maker back on. "Pancakes, duh."

I grin and start going through her cabinets, "Smart decision, Freckles."

She smiles lazily at me, and I can tell she isn't really awake yet. She fell asleep laying in my lap and I fell asleep eventually too. 

Dani flicks on the radio and turns it to a soft rock station and Green Day pounds through the kitchen as I mix the pancake batter together. Posiedon doesn't cook, so if I want to eat anything other than fast food or PopTarts I'm forced to do the cooking. I like it now though. I didn't in the beginning, but now it's kinda cool I guess. 

Dani sings along to American Idiot as she reaches into the fridge and pulls out a pack of bacon. She throws it onto the counter and rummages in one of the taller cabinets for a pan to cook it in. She reaches up on her tiptoes, but she still can't reach. 

I flip the current pancake on the skillet onto a plate and walk over to her. I lean into her back, reaching up to get the pan down myself. I feel her breathing pick up as I pull the pan down and set it on the counter.

"You're welcome, Shorty," I whisper in her ear and resume my position at the stove, continuing to pour batter.

I hear her snort behind me, "I didn't need your help," and I know she's rolling her eyes at my turned back.

I scoop another perfect pancake off the skillet. "Sure, sure."

She whips me in the butt with a dish towel and I turn around, still holding the spatula. She holds up the towel, trying to look menacing. 

I advance towards her, and she backs up, brandishing her 8 inches of cloth. I set the spatula down and in one fluid motion, grab hold of the towel and jerk her towards me.

Fates, Furies and Freckles(Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now