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                                                                {Present Day}

                                                                  Point of View:

                                                   ++Pelops/Aaron++(Tantalus's Son)


"W-wha," Atropos sputters, mouth opening and closing like a fish. 

I shrug, "I didn't really mean to. I wasn't thinking. I'd just... never seen my dad before, you know? I wanted to know if he was the monster everyone thought he was. If he was the freak everyone made him out to be."

"Well he was, wasn't he!" Atropos all but shouts.

I shake my finger, blood boiling, "No, he wasn't. You did that, Atropos. You made him kill me, didn't you? You knew that if he murdered me, and did all those awful things, that Zeus would lock him up forever, didn't you? And you wanted that more than anything because," I lean down and point my finger right in her face, "My dad didn't choose you."

She actually begins to shake with rage, and she opens her mouth to retaliate, but before she can, I realize I'm not quite done.

"He didn't choose you because you are a monster."

Her eyes narrow to slits, and I turn around and locate the other two Fates. "Which one of you knows how to rethread life threads?"

The taller thinner one raises a hand, "I do, but there are complications; provisos, if you will."

I raise an eyebrow, "Like what?"

She cracks her bony fingers, and clears her throat, "You weren't supposed to be immortal, Pelops. I don't know if you know that or not. You were supposed to be mortal, but still not exactly human. When we rethreaded your life thread so long ago, that made you immortal. But the thing is, we can't just rethread anyone's life thread who asks for it. Or else we'd be mobbed every other day. Rethreading life thread takes immortality. It requires it. So when Zeus ordered your life thread fixed, he provided the immortality necessary. But to do it in a more normal situation, we would have to have someone's immortality."

The other sister pipes up, "In other words, someone would have to give it up."

No hesitation, just words. "I'll do it." Of course I'll do it.

The taller sister makes a face, "That would be great, if I were sure this was going to work. I've only ever rethreaded gods', demigods', or at least partially gods' lfie threads. I've never before rethreaded a totally human life thread. They're much more," She pauses, fumbling for the word, "Delicate than ours. Immortality makes them stronger, and less likely to break I'm sure, but I'm still not certain it would work. You'd be giving up your immortality on a whim, with no guarantee that it will work."

I shake my head, undeterred, "Apparently it was never mine to keep. It was a gift given to me. It's time for me to give it to her."

The Fate nods like she knew I would choose this path, "I'm not going to tell you if this works that she will one hundred percent be immortal. But there's a good chance. Would she want that?"

I gulp, "I don't know. But I refuse to lose her."


Fates, Furies and Freckles(Watty Awards 2013)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin