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                                                             {Present Day}

                                                             Point of View:

                                             *Tisiphone* (Fury to Avenge Murder)*


                                                      *Two hours prior*

"So crawl on my belly til the sun goes down

I'll never wear your broken crown..."

My fingers fly over the ivory keys of the piano, and my voice carries through the small room. No one else uses this piano but me, neither of my sisters are musical in any way. So, this piano is mine, and this room is mine. 

I hit the last key and it resonates through the room. 

Clapping erupts from behind me and I turn, one hand still on the keys. Posiedon is standing in the doorway, and there is a bouquet of lilies at his feet. 

I stand up, grinning, "What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

He gestures at himself, "So little faith in me, T. I'm here because I have news, and flowers. And your sister let me in."

I almost ask which one, but then decide it doesn't matter, and he said he had news. I take the flowers from his outstretched hands and stick them on top of the piano, the yellow reflecting off the black of the top.

He takes a seat on the piano bench and I raise my eyebrows, "So?"

He plays a few notes, before turning back to me. "Pelops met with Tantalus today."

My stomach drops, plummets into an abyss of nothingness. I thought I had taken care of that?! His little girlfriend was supposed to keep an eye on that situation!

I wring my hands, "I thought... I mean... I got someone to tell me if anything happened..."

He shrugs, "Well, I followed Pelops's GPS tracker on his cell phone today. When he left the girl's house I followed him. He doesn't like parks, he doesn't even like outside, so I knew something was up. And it looked like his girl was in the car. So, if I had to guess I would guess she helped him get in touch with his dad or something."

All of sudden I feel upset, betrayed and angry. I'm barefoot, and I think that's part of it. Whenever I'm wearing my heels, I feel in charge and important. And I'm barefoot right now, and I have just been betrayed by some little high school girl, and everything it falling apart.

I can't believe he talked to his dad. His dad needs to be locked up, not gallavanting in parks.

I breathe through my nose, slow and steady. Posiedon looks at me, concerned. "Are you okay?" He asks and I nod before I snatch my purse from the hook in the room and yell down the hallway.

"Get in the car! We're going on a trip!"

My sisters appear in the doorway, obviously confused.

"Where are we going?" Meg asks, and I crack my knuckles. 

"We're going to see The Fates."


Fates, Furies and Freckles(Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now