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                                                           {Present Day}

                                                             Point of View:

                                             *Tisiphone* (Fury to Avenge Murder)


"What?!" Meg shrieks through the phone. I frown and hold it away from my ear until she's done freaking out. 

Slapping my forehead, I shut the door to the street. I've left my shoulder bag. Again. 

As I walk into the coatroom, I calmy explain the situation to Meg. "Technically, it wasn't my fault. It happened during my break from 7-10 this morning. I went to the little coffee place across the street. And when I came back, the stand in guard was asleep on the floor, and the door was open to room 17."

I can hear her heavy breathing. "Okay, so it's not really your fault, right? I mean, you're not going to get in trouble for this? Oh, Zeus, what if you get sent to Hades? What if you're stripped of your powers, or your immortality?! Tisiphone, what would I do without you here?! Oh my word, oh dear, oh, oh, oh...:


I can hear her panting across the phone. "What?"

I find my red bag underneath about 43 others and drag it out. The silver buckles on the straps shine as I sling it across my body. "Stop talking. Go make a cup of tea, and sit down on the porch. Calm down. I'll be home in twenty minutes."

Meg's always struggled with panic attacks. She's always been the more fragile one of us, the one to worry if something goes wrong, or to have a breakdown in the middle of the night. 

She might be older than me by two years, but I've always felt like the older sister.

 I hop inside my red volkswagon bug and turn on the radio. One of the new "boy bands" begins playing, and I smack the button to change it as fast as I can. I've been around for my share of boy bands, and they're all worse than the last.

A song by Fall Out Boy comes on and I grin. Having been around for so long, I've been around to see music devolop through the centuries. Fall Out Boy is one of my favorite bands, which is of course, saying something, since I've had time to listen to literally every band there ever was.

My phone dings as I pull out of my parking spot and I glance down to glimpse the text.

"I'm in town for a few days for a state swim meet with my team. Wanna have dinner? ;)"

I don't even have to look at the top to see who sent it. I know.

I press the voice activation button with my pinky and when it beeps I begin speaking. "Would love to. How does tomorrow night sound?"

I glance down to add a few punctuation marks and hit send. 

A few moments later I get a message back.

 "Sounds great. Can't wait;)"

Yeah, he's a big fan of the winky faces.

I pull into my driveway a few moments later, and rake a hand through my hair before pulling it up into a bun. I can see that Meg took my advice and is sitting on the porch swing with a drink in her hand. 

Grabbing my phone and turning the car off, I open the door and sprint up the stairs to the porch.

"Hey, sis, 'sup?" I greet and discard my shoes in the basket next to the door.

Fates, Furies and Freckles(Watty Awards 2013)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin