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                                                          {Present Day} 

                                                           Point of View: 

                                     *Tisiphone* (Fury to Avenge Murder)


My fingers shake as I reach into the pocket of my dress and pull out my iPhone. I swipe until I get to my starred contacts, and linger over two names.

Which sister to call?

After about two seconds, I decide it doesn't matter and press down on Meg's name with one red painted fingernail. I lift the phone to my ear and roll my eyes upward to the ceiling as I wait impatiently for her to pick up.


Meg, now is not the time to not pick up your phone.


Come on, sis.

"This is Meg, I can't come to the phone at this moment. I strongly suggest you text me, because I don't like talking on the phone very much. But, I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Please leave a message!"

A beep sounds and I spin on the ball of foot.

The long narrow heels of my stilettos clack across the floor as I leave a message for my sister.

"Meg? This is Tisiphone. You need to call me back right now. We've got problems."

I press the "End" button on the screen, before pressing my finger onto the scanner leading out of the building.

"Access granted." The woman's monotone voice blares.

I run my right hand through my bright red hair as I swing open the door that leads out of the tunnels of Hades with my left.


Cerberus is the first to greet me on the other side. I crack a small smile as one of his heads sniffs my hand, probably trying to deciper what I ate for lunch. 

The other two do the weird "Dog Grin" thing up at me and I try to pet all three of them with one hand.

"Hey boys!" I croon, and their one tail wags for all three of them.

The hound is supposed to be one of the scariest things, I mean, he's supposed to be the guard of the Underworld.

But to all who know him, and love him, he's one of the sweetest things you'll ever encounter. He wanders around the building, but he especially likes hanging out down here with me.

I pet them all one last time. "I gotta go, boys..." 

They whine in harmony and I wave goodbye as I continue down the tunnels.

When Hades was first constructed, back before most of us were around, the tunnels were made of dirt. They lead from level to level.

Contrary to what most people believed, Hades is not a mess of fire and chaos. It's actually all planned out. 

It was a mess in the beginning. But then they decided to make it over, and they consulted me. Most likely because I'm extremely OCD and they knew I would be able to restore some semblance of order to the place.

Fates, Furies and Freckles(Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now