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(A/N: The Greek word for eighth is really weird, right?)

                                                          {Present Day}

                                                          Point of View:

                                    *Tisiphone (Fury to Avenge Murder)*


I pull into the high school parking lot, just in time for football practice to start. I turn to car off and twist my hair up into a drastic french twist before walking up into the bleachers and parking myself a few rows back so as not to seem obvious.

I cross my legs and watch my right heel move up and down as I pump that leg. I scratch my nails down the bleachers and watch the sunlight glint off the polish as the boys run out onto the field.

This seems creeper-ish, I know. But my sisters made me come, telling me it was the best way to find a kid that could look out for Pelops. I scan the field for a moment, and then my gaze slowly drifts over to the two girls that are seated a few bleachers across from me.

They look like they're probably juniors from here, both with cameras with them. They chatter animatedly between each other as they take pictures. 

I glance back at the guys on the field and wonder how I'm ever going to a) Pick one. b) Get them to talk to me and c) Convince him I'm not crazy.

I sigh deeply, and start to ponder how much of a bad decision this is when one of the girls on the other bleacher gets up and walks over towards me. She bends down and fixes her camera lens, and I can hear the shutter click from where I'm sitting.

She glances at me out of the corner of her eye, and I realize how weird all this must look.

She turns back around before I have a chance to glimpse more than a glance of her face though, and continues taking pictures.

After a few moments, she stands back up and I can tell she's getting ready to go back to her seat. 

I bite my lip for a moment. Maybe a girl would be easier to convince? I mean, Pelops is very attractive, maybe that would count for him if I asked a girl to keep an eye on him. It's not like we're asking the kid to protect him, just to throw us a heads up if he gets into trouble.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"

The girl turns toward me, and fumbles her grip on the camera, almost losing it down into the stands.

"Um, okay?"

I twist the rings on my left thumb as I look at her closely. She looks pretty normal, except for that insane mass of freckles on her face. 

"You a pretty average kid?"

She automatically backs up, confused. "What does that-"

"Just answer the question." I interrupt her.

She blinks. "Um, yeah. I guess?"

I run my nails back across the bleachers and watch her eyes follow them. "I was looking for a boy-would've worked better as a friend for him...But I guess a girl will do."

She backs up even more. "What are you talking about?"

I half grimace, half smile. This is not going to go well, I can tell. "My dear girl, I have a job for you."

Fates, Furies and Freckles(Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now