Chapter 22

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We were finally landing when I realised that I had nowhere to sleep, it was 2 am New Zealand time. And I had no cell phone to contact my only sibling. I groaned silently as the young girl next to me began to slowly wake up. She had been crying nonstop as they first entered the plane, her mother couldn’t get those tickets next to each other and they wouldn’t let me stop with the mother. She gave me a sleepy smile. She was around 5-6 and she grew on me after the crying stopped. For the first hour we played pointless hand games and done things which made her mother smile as I looked back as she drifted off to sleep. Her name was Isabella.

“Why are you on here Kaz?” She asked. I must admit she spoke well better than I assumed she also had a strong Australian accent which was so easy to identify.

“It was time to go home.” I smiled as I tried to ignore the real reason I was here. I lifted the arm rest as she lay her head on my lap, I twirled her long blonde hair between my fingertips as she fell to sleep. I hated the realisation that I wanted kids. I wanted Luke’s Kids. I shook my head as I mumbled quickly to myself. He doesn’t love you Kaz.

“Who doesn’t?” Isabella spoke as she buckled up looking at me with her wide blue eyes.

“Someone who I thought would never leave me.” I never really thought like this, thinking the worst of myself. But as I continue to think over and over the problems it was me. I angered Calum, I nearly split up the band. Isabella’s words took me out of my thoughts. They were so quiet and gentle.

“That’s like mummy. She thought daddy love her but he with a whore. Mummy say.” I wanted to tell her that wasn’t true but I was in the exact some position.

“Then your daddy was very stupid.” This caused Isabell to smile widely and as I looked back her mother too had heard our not so quiet convosation.

I waved goodbye to Isabell and her mother as we went our separate ways in the airport. Her mother had given me there number and when I had a phone to let them know my number. I had offered to baby sit whenever they needed. I loved the thought of being able to see Isabell she distracted me from my thoughts and was such a smart little girl. Before I realised my name was being yelled.

“Kaz! KAZANDRA!” My sister’s voice screamed as I ran quickly into her direction, hauling along my suitcase with all my belongings. I ran into her arms as I began to sob, I didn’t even know why she was here but I was so thank full her and her boyfriend were. He took my bag for me as we walked over to McDonald’s.

“How’d you know I was here?” I asked once we got settled at our table with the foods in front of us. I devoured the chicken nugget as she spoke.

“Tiana rang, lucky she was smart enough to actually ring.” Jax laughed as she began to eat. But that was just typical Tiana she couldn’t not have anything planned. She hated it.

“Flight 234 from Sydney Australia will now be landing.” The speaker spoke as I continued to eat.

“I’ll never understand why you Aussies want to come here.” She laughed as we all continued to eat. Once finally finishing us all were about to head home, it was now at least 4:30 am and I couldn’t wait to let my dreams take over and forget everything that has happened.

“KAZ?!” A voice yelled. The voice wasn’t new to me in fact it was a familiar one. Kind of comforting as me and my sister spun around to spot the voice. I knew that could only be one person. The Australian with the slight lisp as he spoke.

He stood directly in front of me as my eyes widen, what the hell was he doing here.



We got back to our apartment and Michael went straight to the couch as he passed out quit quickly. As I forced Ashton to drink the water as he attempted to pull me to bed I could hear the whimpering from Kaz’s room.

“Ashton I’m going to check on Luke.” Ashton’s face dropped as he remembered the events of tonight.  He was no longer playfully but so serious like a father. We both made our way slowly and quietly into the room where I saw him curled into a ball. He was sobbing as loudly as I realised what he held. He had found the only shirt she had left here. The shirt she wore the day we meet these boys. He hadn’t acknowledged mine nor Ashton’s presence as I heard him sing between his sobs.  

Settle down with me

Cover me up.

Cuddle me in.

Lie down with me.

Hold me in your arms.

We both made our way slowly on to the bed as he attempted to continue singing through is more silent sobs. Ashton slowly rubbed his back as he didn’t move from his cradled position.

Your heart’s against my chest.

Lips pressed to my neck.

I’ve fallen for your eyes.

But they don’t know me yet.

He couldn’t continue as Ashton pulled him into a hug. I quickly got up to get Michael who I would force to sleep with Luke. No not sexually it just broke my heart to see him so torn up. He really did only want her. And that tramp could ruin their happiness. Luke looked so weak like anything and everything would break him. Ashton lay him down as he cradled with the t-shirt not letting go. Michael spooned him which on other nights may have been funny but tonight was sweet.

I dragged Ashton down into our bedroom, once in what we call pj’s. As in him with only briefs, me stealing his shirts with only that and my underwear. I lay my head on his bare chest as I sighed mumbling.

“We have to fix it Ash.” His head lifted as he place a kiss just behind my ear.

“They will find each other again. They have to. Soul mates.” 

A;N: woke up from my nap and decieded to update again for you  :-L I am just so lovely. Guess what other chapter the song is from!! Emitional update and with that I bid you goodnight. 

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