Chapter 11

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I still seemed to be in a coma as my mind woke constantly but my body refused to move. I have no clue how long it’s been but it’s driving me insane. Every day I hear Luke, Tiana, Ashton.  Tiana begging for me to wake up. I couldn’t stand this I hated not being able to do anything, what if my body never wakes up?

I can hear footsteps?

“It’s been 3 days Ashton, why won’t she wake up.” Tiana spoke as I heard her sniff.

“She will wake up baby. The doctors said to just keep talking to her.” Ashton said reassuring her. I hope he was right. I hated having to hear them like this and not being able to move my pale, fragile body. I could hear a sigh. I felt her hand grip on to mine. Wait did I feel that? I haven’t felt anything for these last 3 days. I attempted to squeeze her hand I heard a gasp.

“ASHTON!” Tiana squealed.

“Yes baby?” They were dating as I remember them talking as Luke left the room. I wonder if he was in the room.

“She gripped my hand, LOOK!” She was screaming as I heard his heavy footsteps make his way to her.

“I’ll go get a doctor, stay here, and keep talking.” They had assumed that I hadn’t heard them but I had heard everything. I kept my hand gripped on to Tiana’s. I tried to open my eyes but the only thing that seemed to move was my hand.

“Ah yes I see. Her body is very weak, but she can hear you, reassuring us that she will awake soon. Keep talking, she will come round.” The strange voice spoke as I heard sobbing. Probably Tiana she seemed to be an emotional wreck throughout this all. I heard more heavy footsteps as Tiana spoke.

“Luke she’s going to wake up!” I could hear the cheerfulness in her voice. She really was an amazing friend.

“Thank god!” He sighed in relief.

“Hey Tiana do you think I could be alone with Kaz for a little bit?” Luke’s angelic voice spoke.

“B-but..” Tiana stuttered as Ashton cut her off.

“Come on baby, we will go get some food. Luke won’t be long.”

“Okay.” I could hear them leave as Luke took my hand in his.

“I really hope you can hear me Kaz. We all desperately want you to wake up beautiful. I kind of wrote a song for you. I really hope you can hear this.” He took his hand away as I heard him play around a guitar. I don’t understand how anyone could hate this boy. What did he see in me?

“Here goes nothing.” His voice was shy as he began to strum slowly.

Settle down with me 

Cover me up 

Cuddle me in 

Lie down with me 

Hold me in your arms 

Your heart's against my chest 

Lips pressed to my neck 

I've fallen for your eyes 

But they don't know me yet 

And the feeling I forget 

I'm in love now 

Kiss me like you wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

This feels like I've fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

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