What you talkin' bout willis?

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Random disclaimer:
Above is a picture or Max a new character.
It's been a few weeks into summer vacation and the only thing I've managed to do is grow a crush on Josh. I'll admit it, I like Josh. I was in denial at first. I didn't want to like Josh. From my past experiences Ive learned a lot. Ive even made a rule for myself; don't trust too much, don't love too much, don't hope too much, because that "too much" can hurt so much. I've had a huge guard up for the past month. I'm not letting Josh bring it down. Even if I do like him.
I laid in bed for an hour, just staring at my ceiling. I turned to face my clock witch read 9:52am. I wasn't leaving my bed until 10. My phone whistled from a text message. "Busy?"


"Open your window."

"You're going to have to wait 7 minutes."

"For what?"

"I'm not getting out of bed until 10."

"We'll see about that." What you talkin' bout Willis ? I thought. Suddenly I heard noises coming from my window. I hid my head order the cover. I tried my best to lay perfectly till. That is until hands gripped the back of my calf and pulled me out of bed. I screamed liked a dumb girl in the stereotypical horror movies ."chill." Josh said cradling me on the floor. When I quieted down Josh looked at his watch, "9:59. What do you know? It's not ten and you're out of bed."

"Fuck you."

"What time?"


"That wasn't a very cute moan." He frowned.

" what do you want, Joshua?"

"To talk to you."

"About what?"

"About anything." This mofo just broke in through my window, pulled me out of bed, just to talk, but he doesn't know what to talk about?

"Ok well let's play a game."

"What kind of game."

"A guessing game. So we have to guess things about each other. For instance, what's my favorite color?"

"Blue?" Easy for him, my entire room is painted blue.

"Right, now it's your turn."

"Ok what's my favorite color?"


"How'd you know?"

"Your Nike bag." He then nodded. "Ok so, who's my rapper husband?"

"Drake and J.cole. This game is too easy.."

"Make it harder."

"Fine. What's my middle name?" Shit.

"I don't know." I shrugged.


"Cute. What's mine?"


"How'd you know?"

"I've done my homework."

"You never do your homework."

"Moving on, what do I hate a about you?" Does he want to to fight me?

"Nothing. Duh."

"That you fight your feelings." Ummm....

"I don't feel like playing anymore. " I got up and walked to the bathroom. I realized that all this time josh had been holding me with a small Tshirt and booty shorts. I brushed my teeth and unpinapled my hair. It was super frizzy and need to be washed so i slicked it back in a ponytail. I went back into my room to get some clothes to put on, and Josh was laying sitting on my bed on his phone. I took off my Tshirt and replaced it with an odd future raglan tee with plaid sleeves. I could feel Josh watching me, but he is a guy and it's not like he hasn't seen a naked girl before. To be honest I didn't mind him watching. I slipped into some shorts and my damn Daniels. I turned around and looked at him, "enjoyed the show?"

He hesitated to answer. I didn't want it to be awkward so I just turned back around. Then I felt a warm wave on my back. Josh was hugging me from behind. His head went in between my shoulder and my neck. "You like me Mariah. Quit pretending you don't." His breath made me shiver. "I See can right through you." He kissed me behind my ear. He let go of me and climbed out of my window.
My mom was very happy today. She decided to take us grocery shopping. It's about time, we were eating CDs and drinking our tears. My mom sent me to get cereal. As I left the isle, I bumped into Brandon. Like literally bumped into his m, dropping my boxes. "What the hell?" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry Mariah. Here let me help you." He touched my arm and I smacked it down.

"Don't touch me, ever."

"Listen, I-"

"Fuck off." I picked up my boxes and walked away.

"I need talk to you " I flipped him off and kept walking. "It's about Gabbi." He called out to me. I froze. Do I want to listen to this dick head for the sake of Gabbi or should I just keep walking and have a good day? Gabbi is one lucky girl because for anyone else I'd keep walking.

"What about Gabbi?" I turned around.

"Well... You see..." You could tell it was bad news by the way he hesitated his words.

"Spit it out boy." I was losing patience.

"Ok. I'll tell you but you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone that I told you."

"Brandon if you don't tell me what's going on I will punch you in the throat."

"Cameron is cheating on Gabbi."  He spoke quickly.

"Do you have proof?" I came closer to him as he pulled out his phone. He showed me a picture on Instagram of Cameron and a red head girl making out at a party.

"Who the fuck is that?" I said pointing to the picture. As I stared at her hair she became more familiar. She was the same girl Brandon was making out with at the party.


I will claw her ass until her shit comes out sideways. "Who's party is this?"

"Some cheerleader."

"Who took the picture?"


"Max who?"

"Max Villa." I took his phone and searched the page for an image of max. It wasn't hard finding one, this was selfie mania. Plus max was pretty cute, I'm not gonna lie.

"Thanks Brandon." I said giving him his phone back.

"Are we cool?"

"We'll be 'cool' when hell freezes over." I walked away. Now I have I to do my research before I call and tell Gabbi.
💜I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm actually thinking about ending this book soon , so yeah...

💜Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Lemme know.

💜Who's your favorite boy?

💜Should I bring Chris back?

💜I love you more than cookies. 🍪❤️

Life as Mariah (sophomore)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora