Hoodie boy's true identity

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The rest of my classes were pretty boring, and being socially awkward to strangers I made no friends. Yay! Forever alone. My last class of the day was art. Towards the end of class I packed up early and snuck out of class. It's not as bad as you may think, we only had five minutes of class left. I went in the restroom and it was empty. Yes! I walked to mirror and fixed my hat and put some Chapstick- I don't wear lipstick.

I headed for the bus. My mom had given me a paper with my bus number on it while I was searching through my bag the bell rung. Crap! I could hear the herd of loud high school students charging to the buses. I frantically searched through my backpack. Just when I found the paper, I knocked over by a bunch of students. This was insane, all of these kids were running like bats out of hell. As I tried to get my books together I was lifted up like I was about to be abducted by aliens.

A normal person would have just stood up and turned to see who was trying to help them. Me on their hand was wiggling and making walrus noises in panic. "Chill, it's just me" I turned to see Brandon staring at me like I was a freak.

"Oh hey- sorry I um..." My voice trailed off.

Brandon chuckled "Are you riding the bus?"

"Yes, but I don't remember my bus number."

"You have the same bus as me, just different bus stops. Come on we have to hurry if we want good seats." He grabbed my hand and pulled me all the way to our bus. He's so strong, I thought he was going to tear my arm off. Once we got to the bus I saw a sign that said "402", this was my bus number. Brandon and I shared a seat on the bus and talked about my day. At first it was kinda weird talking to him because I've never really talked to guys, except for Jaiden. Speaking of Jaiden, he has been making my hotline bling so much I'm afraid my phone will explode.

Brandon got off a few stops before me. Apparently it was just hoodie boy that shared a stop with me. He seems like a really sweet guy, plus he's smokin' hot! Hoodie boy sat in a seat a few rows ahead of me so he got off first. He was walking extremely fast when he got off the bus, but I still tried to catch up to him. Turned onto my street. even though he was being super sketchy I was curious to find out where he lived. I called out his name and he turned around, looked at me turned, looked back toward my house, then back at me and then said,"sorry" under his breath and then ran in to the house next to mine. Then finally it hit me; Hoodie boy had the part time duties of being a hot basketball player and being a creeper.

Authors note:

Tell me how you feel about book or if you have any suggestions.

Thanks for reading!

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I love you more than cookies🍪❤️

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