The Diner

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I picked up my menu. Oooh pictures. "I'll have hamburger- no onions and a side of fries."

"And to drink?"

"Coke please"

"Ok and you darling?" The waitress looked at me with a huge smile.

"NACHOS!" I said a bit overexcited.

"Nachos it is" she chuckled. "Drink?"

"A vanilla milkshake and a bendy straw."

"Ok I'll be back with your food", she said as she skated off.

"NAChOS" Josh imitated.

"Shut up."
"That was cute." He mumbled. A silence went by. "I'm sorry I kinda went off earlier."

"It's cool, I guess I owed you an explanation for that night."

"Yeah, you did... Why didn't you say hi to me last night?"

"Because I was with Chris." Why would he want me to say hi to him.

"Are y'all a thing?" He sounded like he was holding something in.
"Maybe." I said smiling. To be honest I wasn't sure if were actually a thing. I mean we're obviously something, but we haven't exactly put a title on us.

"That's cool. Chris is a good guy, you know. I'm glad he's with a girl like you for a change."

The waitress came with our food. When my eyes landed on my nachos they lit up. This is what heaven looks like. We both began to dig in. Either I was hungry or these nachos were amazing, then it hit me- "you're paying for this right?"

"Duh. It's kind of the law, the guy always has to pay for the food." Good answer.

"Yeah perks of being girl." I said as I stuffed another chip in my mouth.

Josh finished his burger, and wiped his mouth with an napkin. I looked up to see Josh staring at me. "Take a picture it'll last longer." I said

"Ok." Said Josh as he whipped out his phone for a picture. When I realized what was happening I gave the camera a big smile, revealing my beautiful face of cheese. "Cute." He said as he showed me the picture.

"Oh yeah, I look hot! Send it to me, I'll use it for my profile picture on tumblr."

"Really?" He said looking slightly disturbed.

"No, but I'll send it to my mom." We both laughed.

"Give me some of your milkshake." Said Josh stabbing my shake with his straw.

"Ew now it's a root beer float." I pouted.

"For your information, it was coke." He said sipping.

"Do you have cooties?" Asked looking concerned.

"Does it matter? Either way you have them. We kissed, remember?" He wasn't wrong. I didn't reply, I just began to take sips from my straw.

When we finished , Josh payed for the food and gave a generous tip to the waiter.

Josh and I rode our skate boards home. "Did you have fun on our date?" Josh teased.

"Totally." I said walking towards my house, until he grabbed my arm. Is this a new thing? 'Everyone grab Mariah's arm.'  I turned to face him.

"Friends?" He held out his hand for me shake.

"Friends." I confirmed, sliding my fingers across his and then pulling him in for a bro hug. He smells so good.

We then went our separate ways.
"'Riah, will you play race cars with me?" Asked my brother as soon as walked through the door.

"Sure," I said. I just couldn't turn the kid down.
While I playing race cars I received a text from Jaiden.

"We need to talk. Call me when you can."
💜So Hoodie boy and Mariah kind of had a date...

💜What's going on with Jaiden? Stay tuned.

💜I'm thinking about doing another Josh's point of view...

💜Questions, comments, suggestions? Lemme know.

💜Who's your favorite boy? Lemme know.

💜I love you more than cookies.🍪❤️

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