The party of the year part 3

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Kids were everywhere smoking and sniffing. I felt like standing on a table and singing  Alessa Carra's here. I didn't want to be here anymore. I was ready to go home. It was only 11:00pm so I was sure Gabbi wasn't ready to leave. As I looked around at all of these kids around me drinking and dancing all over each other, I realized that these weren't my kind of people. Of course I wasn't going to do what they were doing. However they did look happy; I wanted to be happy like them.

I was lost in thought, until Gabbi said,"are you ok 'Riah?"

"It's all good in the hood." I said, hiding the fact that I'm in my feelings.

"Here" she said giving me a red solo cup. I looked at her drink, which was purple, and then at mine which was non existent. I looked up at her and she winked at me.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Sprite." She nonchalantly. Now Sprite is my favorite soda. In my whole sixteen years, Sprite has only been clear- not purple. But I'm not one for questioning.

"Sure." I managed. I walked to faucet and poured water in my cup. "I'm driving, just so you know."
We walked outside on the porch and drank our beverages. Looking at the sky, Josh's words replayed in my head. 'Before you came, it was always just dark. Now that you're here I can see the stars.' What did he mean? Was he seriously not able to see stars before I got here? Speaking of the devil I saw Josh he walked out of the backyard into the front lawn. Where the hell is he going? I thought. He crossed the street and pulled out his skateboard from under a car. And then went back into the backyard.

I swear if someone skates off the roof I'm quitting life. "Mariah, where'd you go? I've been looking for you." Said Chris pulling me closer to him.

"We needed some air." I said gesturing to Gabbi.

"Oh... Um can I talk to you?"

"Sure." Gabbi and Cameron went for a walk.

"I like you, Mariah." He said. His accent will be the death of me. "A lot. I don't want to hurt you, but I have to tell you."


"I know you like Brandon, but he's a hoe."

"Yeah,I figured that out."

"But here's what you don't know. He didn't truly like you. The basketball team made a bet."


"You. The bet was to see if Brandon could smash on the new girl." It took me a few seconds to process this. I felt like killing Brandon- like actually murdering him.

"Who told you?"

"Josh." I totally forgot Josh was on the team. I bet he was in on it too. "He told me to tell you since you're not talking to him." He then clenched his fists. "I just- I could kill him." He said standing up.

"It's fine calm down. I know what I'm doing."

"I know it's just- I don't like when the people I love get hurt."

"You love me?" I could tell he was embarrassed. He started fidgeting.


"Maybe?" I asked dramatically.

"It's too early to be love, but I it's pretty close to it." We both sat down. The wind blew through my wet curls, moving them to my right. Chris scoot closer than me and put his arm around me. "Princess?"

"Christmas tree?" I replied.

"Ive been thinking about you a lot-spending time with you." He said seriously. " if I had one wish, I'd  wish life had a pause button. I would pause every moment we spend together."

Oh no there goes the butterflies in my tummy. "I like you too" I thought aloud. Hearing this Chris leaned over, placing each hand on each side of me. He went 90% of the way to kiss me and then stopped. You best believe, I met him with my 10%. His kisses were soft and warm. His body hovered above mine, so I pulled him closer. This was a beautiful moment that is until-

"The po- the po." Huffing and puffing like she just ran a mile.

"The police are on their way, we saw them and ran here. Come on we gotta go." Said Cameron with ease.

"Yeah what he said." Agreed Gabbi still out of breath. We ran to Gabbi yellow beetle car and squished in as the police pulled up to the house. Gabbi thought she was going to drive, but I pushed that girl out of my way. I wanted to make it home alive.

It was 12:08am and I needed to be home soon. We stopped at McDonald's because Gabbi and Cameron's munchies kicked in. We went inside because the drive through speakers were broken. I was standing at the counter ordering fries, when I felt Chris's hand move from the middle of my back to my butt. With his other hand he gave the cashier the money for my food. This boy really know the way to my heart.
After I dropped the boys off at Cameron's house, I took Gabbi home it was 1:13am and my parents were sleeping. Thank you Jesus. Gabbi and I passed out in my bed and didn't wake up until 2:00pm.

💜And that was the party of the year.

💜Questions? Lemme know.

💜Comments? Lemme know .

💜Suggestions? Lemme know.

💜I love you more than cookies.🍪❤️

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