Now that youre here, I can see the stars

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"Are we there yet?" I complained.

"You've been asking me that for the past 30 minutes. No Mariah we're not there yet." Josh said agitated.

"Ugh, I'm hungry." I complained

"I'll buy you some food when we leave."

" fine" I said folding my arms. "Are we there yet?"

Josh turned to me, with angered eyes, picked me up and threw me on his shoulders."ooh yay, free ride!" I said with sarcasm.

"Do you have an off button or are just incapable of shutting up?"

"Do you have a fuck off button?"

"Yeah, but it's pretty small and you'll have to come find it."

"Just like your di-"

Before I could Finnish he dropped me. "Here we are."

"I hate you."

"Yeah, you told me."

As I struggled to get up, the beautiful view of a lake and the skyline of buildings captivated me. "Woah" escaped from my lips. I sat down a big rock and watched  the lights. "Josh?" I called. Then Josh appeared behind me with his hands on my waist and his chin between my neck and my shoulder. "Yes?" He said . I felt his warm breath roll down neck sending a chill down my spine.

"It's beautiful."

"I know."

"Why'd you take me here?" He got off me and I was a little disappointed.

"I-I just wanted to show you."

"Why ?" I said turning to face him.

"I just wanted to share it with someone with someone special. I come here a lot to kinda clear my head and-"

"You think I'm special?

"I mean you're not my special someone, but I do think you're special- you're different from the girls around here."

"How so?

"I don't know, you just are."after this it grew silent. I could feel the night air dancing around me and the wind blowing through my curls. Josh sat down next to me. "Before you came, it was always just dark. Now that you're here I can see the stars."

All of my hate and anger towards Josh melted at that moment. He made me feel special. No one has ever made feel or think that I was special. All my life I just thought I'd fall into the cycle of being loveless and adoring boys who never gave and never will give a flying fuck about me.

In the heat of the moment, I kissed him. My first kiss was with hoodie boy. I placed the tips of my fingers on his neck. Our foreheads touched and then boom we kissed. I looked into his eyes. They looked liked vibrant ocean waves flowing. He pushed my curls from my face. I tried to turn my face but he grabbed my chin and turned it back to him. "Come on kid, let's get some food."
My mind was racing. What did I just do? I'm not supposed to like hoodie boy. What about Chris I really really liked him. I was handed my cheeseburger and my drink. I also like Brandon. Oh my gosh Jaiden, I told him I'd wait for him. I need to leave hoodie boy alone.

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