Move in day part2

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***the picture at the top is kind of how I imagine Mariah****

When we arrived to the house the first thing I did was pull out the sold sign from the ground so my mom could take a picture and then I threw it down as if I were a football player that just made a touchdown.  I then helped my mom carry all of the kitchen boxes inside.

"So what was all of that with Jaiden?"asked my mom

"Nothing really, he's just going through something." I never tell my parents what's going on in my life.

"Oh ok, are you going to see him or any of your other friends this weekend? I'll drive you if you want."

"No thanks I plan on unpacking and exploring the neighborhood this weekend."

"Oh ok... So are you excited for your new school?"

"I'm terrified actually, but i know I'll get through it."

"Oh sweetie, I know you'll make friends because you are anything but shy." She chuckled.

-"mommy I need you!" Yelled my brother from outside.

"I'm coming baby!" My mom said as she chased after him.

I then peeked in my room to find my dad putting up my bed, so just like any other teenager I avoided him by going into another room that didn't have my parents in it. I then stretched out across the floor and checked my phone to find nothing but text messages from Jaiden and my friend Kayla. Kayla is the kind of friend that is extremely annoying, but for some reason you love them anyway. She had long brown hair and green eyes and was much taller than me. Her text message was pretty much a rant about boys,  and how much she'd miss me, and how she doesn't want me to replace her, and about a weird shaped strawberry she ate. This is what Kayla is like on the daily.

I then decided to get up and go outside to see if there was anything else I coucld help with. As I was carrying a box inside I saw something move in the alley between my house and the neighbors. As I walked over there I heard  something moving through the grass so I figured it was rabbit or something. So I started to go back in the house but then I heard a, "ouch!"

I dropped the box and ran in the alley to find a boy, seemed to be my age. From what I could see he was kind of lanky, had dark hair, and tan skin. "I-I can explain" he said, moving closer. I began to step back even with his steps forward. " I live right next door, in fact this is the window to my room right here." He pointed to the open window to his left. "Look I know I look like a creeper, but I really- I just was trying to get a better look at who was moving in next door. I wasn't trying to break in or anything." I didn't know what to say so I slowly backed away and left, totally forgetting the box. When I came back to get the box the boy was gone.

A few hours of unpacking went by and it was 5:00pm. I was so worried about starting a new high school. Being the "new kid" in Middle and elementary school is hella different from being the "new kid" in high school. I began watching videos on YouTube and reading articles on wiki how to find tips for being the new kid in high school. I'm a sophomore so of course I've been in high school before. However I came from a small school where everyone knew each other. The new school on the hand contains over 2,000 kids. At around 7  I ate dinner, showered and went to bed.

**********I'm truly sorry if this book is super cliche and/or lame. It's the first book I've written and I'm doing all of this during art class.*************

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