The party of the year part 2

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It was only us four in the pool. There were like seven people hangout outside though.

"Ladies this is Cameron." Introduced Chris.

"Hi!" Gabbi and I said in unison.

"The one on the left is Gabbi, and the one on the right is off limits." Chris said to Cameron.

"My name is Mariah." I smiled. Cameron was a cutie. He had chocolate skin, sweet brown eyes, and short black waved hair.

"Hey." He said taking off his shoes.

The water was surprisingly warm. I got in and tied my hair up into a bun. I watched as the boys sat on the side of the pool with their feet in, talking amongst themselves. "Hey Gabbi." I said.


"Cameron is cute, yeah?"

"Oh my gosh yes! He's a chocolate angel" she said dramatically.

"Go for it girl. I support it!" I said supportive. Gabbi chuckled.

"I sure will, Gabbi like a puma." She said holding her hands up like claws. We swam under water to the boys. There goes my straight hair. When we approached them, we grabbed their feet and yanked them into the water. They both yelled as they splashed into the water. When they surfaced the water Chris said,

"your ass is mine Mariah." And pulled me close to him by the waist. As I struggled to get out of his grasp I couldn't stop giggling like a school girl. He turned me around and hugged me from behind and then pulled me into the water. Yup my straight hair will definitely be nonexistent by the end of the night. As we resurfaced the water, our wet bodies were extremely close. I turned to check on Gabbi to find her and Cameron splashing each other like five year olds. I looked up at Chris to find him starring deeply into my face. his dimples were digging deep into his cheeks and his smile was as bright as the moon. His hands were around my waist. "Gotcha" he said embracing me.

"Ooh Mariah get you some!" Shouted Gabbi, being held by Cameron. I felt my face turning red, so I hid my face in Chris' chest. My heavens, his chest was muscular. He ran his hand through my curls. A few minutes later we played chicken fight. Gabbi got on Cameron's shoulders, I got on Chris' shoulders. Gabbi and began to slap each other senselessly, until Gabbi and Cameron fell into the water. I started squirming in victory.

"Keep going Mariah, I think Chris is enjoying it." Said Cameron. I stopped immediately and climbed down, once I realized what he was implying.

Chris flipped Cameron off, and then led me to the side of the pool. I turned around and climbed up. Chris whistled at me and I realized that he was looking at my butt. "You can look but you can't touch." I said.

He stood between my legs and said, "you didn't say anything earlier."

"That was before, Chris Jr. Asked me to play with him." I gestured to his crotch.

"Oh um... Sorry about that," he said with his head down.

I lift his chin up,"Its cool though." I tried to make him feel better, "it didn't bother me."

A long silence went by. He was still between my legs, his back was facing me, and I was hugging him from behind. "Do you like me?" Chris said turning around to face me. "Like, really like me?"

I'll admit, this question surprised me. "I-I-" just then a human fell from the sky and splashed us. There were actually people jumping off the roof of the house, and landing in the pool. Chris pulled me out of the water and into the house. I was soaking wet and cold.when I looked back outside there was a huge crowd around the pool.

"Come here, princess" said Chris as he gave me his Red adidas t-shirt. "Get your friend, we'll change upstairs."

I went to grab Gabbi and Cameron. They were talking and drinking from solo cups. We went upstairs, following Chris into a room. It seemed as if we were preston's sisters bedroom. The room was absolutely beautiful. There was a huge canopy bed, toys galore, and it was decorated with everything princess.

Chris pulled out our stuff from under the bed.  That was a pretty good hiding spot. I began to take my swim suit bottoms off. Chris and Cameron  went in the hallway while me and Gabbi changed. I realized that our tops was in my backpack, which was in custody of Chris. The fact that both of our tops were missing proved that they did it on purpose.

I was pissed! Without even thinking I went outside with my shorts and bra. "Where is it Chris?"

"Where's what?" he said checking me out.

"Our fucking shirts" i said hitting him.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry. Here" he said handing me the shirts. I took the shirts and began to walk away, until Chris pulled me back to him by my waist. "Wait I want to talk to you." He said into my ear. I could feel his warm breath, roll down my neck.

"Can it wait?" I pouted. He turned me around and our bodies were flat on each other.

"Yeah, sure" his hands crossed around me, in a hug. When he released me I ran back into the room. I looked at myself in the mirror and I had curls all over my head. We put our shirts on and switched with the boys. While we were waiting outside I saw a couple devouring each other, waddling our way. It was obvious, to what they were going to do, so Gabbi and I stood out of their way. As they passed I saw that the guy who was feeling up on the girl had braids. They had waddled into a wall and took a short break to breathe. When the guy looked up- I saw that it was Brandon. The girl was obviously some random hoe.

I couldn't believe it. I was absolutely speechless. I thought he liked me. I guess I wasn't moving fast enough for him. When Gabbi saw my reaction, she pulled into down stairs into the kitchen, which had turned into the trap kitchen.

💜So that's the end of part 2. No worries though, there will be a part 3.

💜I realized that there's a lot of boys involved. Therefore I just might kill off Brandon.

💜I'm not sure if I'm getting too graphic or not, but it's only for the party of the year chapters. Ipad mean, what do you expect from a project x party?

💜Comments? Lemme know.

💜Questions? Lemme know.

💜Suggestions? Lemme know.

💜Don't be a stranger. I love you more than cookies 🍪❤️

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