Lets skip

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The song above was stuck in my head when writing this chapter so enjoy.

Today I straightened my hair. I wore a plain white fitting T-shirt, black jeans, and my black sk8high vans. When I went outside to walk to the bus stop, the cold air slapped me across the face. When I turned around to open the door, I realized that I had already locked it. Fuck. I began to walk to the bus stop and found hoodie boy already there, sitting on his backpack.

"Early aren't we?" I asked as I approached him.

"Cold aren't we?" He replied. I rolled my eyes. "Here drink some." He said handing me a thermos cup.

"What is it?"

"Hot chocolate."

I took a sip. A child hood memory flashed to me. I was seven years old. It was snowing outside and I was at my grandmothers. I had a big blue jacket on and had just came in from playing in the snow. "Here sugar, drink some- it'll make all the cold go away." My grandmother told me kissing my head. When I took a sip, I flashed back to reality.

"This is amazing!" Told Josh. "Wait- you aren't drugging me are you?" I said with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm drugging you so that I can copy off of your geometry homework."

"At least you admit it." I shrugged which turned into a shiver. Geez did hell freeze over? "This is going to sound weird but, can I have a hug? Just to keep warm, noth-"

"Yeah I get it." Said Josh standing up. We met each other in a hug. "Wow you're tiny."

"You think I don't know that?"

"Sorry." After 30 seconds of me smelling his cologne like weirdo he said, "you know, this is kinda weird... I don't feel right hugging my friend's girlfriend."

"But your saving me from frostbite." I pouted.

"You like Hugging me don't you?" He smirked.

"What? No." I said but I couldn't hide that I was lying.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Chris that you have the hots for me."

I rolled my eyes. "I only have the hots for Chris and French fries."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
In first period we found out that our teacher has been absent a lot because of her mother's death. It was terrible news, but it didn't stop the class from being loud. "Hey princess." Said Chris standing up. As I walked closer to him, he grabbed me into an embrace. His hands pulled my closer to him on my butt.

"Hey" was all I could manage. Chris then lowered his head to my ear, "let's skip." This hit me by surprise, but somehow I was under Chris's spell. As I nodded in reply, Chris placed two gentle kisses on my neck before pulling me into the hallway.

"Where are we going?" I whispered.

"The courtyard. Don't worry we'll be back before next period."

We sat down under a tree. It's amazing how the sun said, surprise mother fucker, you thought I wasn't coming out today "Are you ok princess?"

"Yeah I'm good." I leaned on his shoulder and he ran his fingers through my hair.

"How do you change your hair like that?

"I straightened it."

"Oh with one of those hot things."

I had no choice but to laugh, "yeah."

"You know I've never dated a mixed girl before."

"Ive never dated anyone before." I sat up.

"Really? That's impossible." He said looking at me. "You're beautiful." I didn't know what to do. Was he seriously this surprised or was he just saying this to make feel special? Guys know how to do those things.

"So we're going to sit here for the next 45 minutes?" I asked.

"Well, i don't think you're going to be into this but..." He began searching through his backpack. He pulled out a plastic bag with green inside. "Can you roll?"

Like I said before, I don't drink or do drugs. However I did know how to roll blunts, my grandmother taught me. That's right I said grandmother. In my life time I've seen a lot of people use drugs. I know there's consequences, but right now I don't care. After the whole Jaiden thing, I haven't felt the same about myself.

I took the bag out of his hand and got to work on rolling him one. When I gave him the finished product he said, "damn I love you."

"Aww, you said I love you first."

He was quiet for a while, but then he said, "but you didn't say it back." He didn't look at me.

I leaned over to grab his face. I made him face me as I kissed him. I was straddling him against the tree. His hands were holding on to my waist. I slowly backed away and said, "I love you too." This was my first ever attempt at seducing a guy, and I'm pretty sure I nailed it.

💜So I thought I'd include both of the boys in this chapter.

💜Questions, comments, or suggestions? Lemme know.

💜Who's your favorite boy? Lemme know.

💜Remember kids don't do drugs.

💜I love you more than cookies 🍪❤️

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