"Sure, what's up?" She asked, I bit my lip and twiddle my fingers nervously. She noticed this and became a little bit more serious. "Is something wrong?" She asked cautiously. I took a deep breath, Its now or never..

"Jenna. Sometimes, we don't plan things. Even if they can be wonderful, they can just come out of nowhere-"

"-Vaeh told me if I ever heard those words that means we are getting a new sibling."

"No!" Me and Ezra stated simultaneously. Jenna giggled abit at our reaction. I quickly recovered and tried to find my words.

"Jenna.. there is something you need to know. Something that we haven't told you.." My words were caught in my throat, I couldn't form those words. "Jenn.."

"Jenna, sweetie... we are not you birth mother and father.." Ezra continued for me, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked up at us, in complete confusion, and though it pained me very badly.. betrayal..

"W-what... you... your not my parents..." She said in a hurt voice as she looked down at the ground. Like Ezra, I reached to put a hand on her shoulder, but she brushed us both off and stood up. "Who are my parents?" She asked with a sharp voice, with her back to us. We didn't answer right away, I was ashamed of myself, and I could tell Ezra was as well. "Who are they?" She asked again, I could hear her voice shaking, like she was holding back her tears. I walked up to her and turned her towards me.

"Aresko and Jayla, but-" She didn't waste no time in trashing away from my grasp and running towards the exit, narrowly dodging Kanan as she ran past him. I clutched my chest as tears pricked my eyes. I hated myself, I shouldn't have kept that from her for her entire life.

But it wasn't as if we didn't love her like one of our own. I loved her like she was my daughter, Ezra loved her like she was his daughter, the kids accepted her as her sister (as they were young when we brought her into the family they didn't know better). And to see my daughter, neice or not, so upset. It broke my heart. Ezra came and held me, I knew he carried the same sadness as I did, but one of us needed to be the strong one and he took on that duty for me.

Jenna's POV

It couldn't be true! Why? Why did they lie to me? For so many years...

I ran blindly away from my 'so-called-parents'. Honestly, I didn't know where I was until I had made my way to the Alliance Council room. Many members were leaving, along with their guards. It was regulation now for every member to have a guard, or guards depending on your rank of the Council. Jayla walked out as she spoke with another leader, with Aresko walking by her side with a pure soldiers posture.

Most didn't notice me, aside from the few I had spoken with whom I had met on previous occasions, who gave me nods of acknowledgment. When I caught my supposed mother's eyes, she smiled. I didn't smile back, I just stared at her. She took a moment before the realization hit her, thus she quickly said her goodbyes and came towards me, with my supposed Father at her side. Without a word she slightly led me to a quiet corridor abored The ship and the three of us stopped near a window looking over the port of our base. No one dared speak. I wanted to so badly, but what could I say? It was basically proven that they didn't want me, right?

"So now you know.." 'Aunt' Jayla began. I nodded my head, still keeping quiet. My 'Uncle' Aresko sighed.


"Did you both just not want me? Did you just dump me off on your sister because I was a mistake?" I blurted, I didn't try to look at them as I felt tears starting to slide down my cheeks.

"Sweetheart no! That was never, nor will it ever be true!" Jayla said astonish. She quickly crouched down to my level and turned me towards her, wiping my tears as they fell. Aresko followed in suit, brushing a few tears away as well.

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