Chapter 20

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Nevaeh's POV

It took little time to enter the system and even less to gain access to begin landing, my brothers claiming they knew someone, but that wasn't why we were allowed to land. I knew that it wasn't through their contacts, he was here. Vader. The Empire. We were to late... but I refuse to give up, even if I had no clue what to do.

Zoe and I had taken to the gunners, incase any... friendly visitors chose to make an appearance. So as of now, I was alone facing the city with great confliction.

"What do I do?" I asked out loud in a dejected voice.

"What did you think you could change Nevaeh?" I jerked my head up as I heard his fimilar voice.

"Master... I- I though.."

"I will always be here when you need guidance my Padawan. Now, answer my question. What did you think would change by coming here?"

"I.. I don't even know.. I just wanted to help them. It's what I felt was right, or at least I think so.. I don't know! Gah! Everything is so jumbled up!" My hands curl into fists as continued to speak. "Master what do I do? The odds are stacked against us now! There is no doubt he sensed me, and after our last encounter I know he won't let me get away again!" I felt calming waves of energy flow through the force, it did very little to relax my nerves but it was a start.

"Do not give into fear Nevaeh. It is but another path to the darkside." I nodded and took a deep breath, he was right. I slowly exhaled and stared at the approaching city.

"What do I do?" I asked my voice barely above a whisper.

"Look to the force, listen to what it tells you. But know with each decision paves the way for a different future." I could hear it. The force was strange, and in Kanan's own words "Can be misinterpreted pretty easily.", but it was calling to me. Only me. Despite my own comman sense, I knew I had to go in alone.

"I know what I must do." I stated standing up.

"As always, be careful. And, may the force be with you. Always." Even if the space looked empty, and Qui-Gon's presence was slowly beginning to fade once more, I turned around and said:

"And with you to, Master."

I quickly made my way to the cockpit where everyone had gathered.

"So what's the game plan?" Zoe asked as soon as I entered. I gulped, they would never agree to this.

"Drop me off at the nearest dock, I'm going in alone." Zoe merely raised an eyebrow, but my brothers both spun around to stare as if I were a crazy woman.

"What? Your an idiot to think we would let you go alone, again." Came Dash.

"Yeah, especially when he's here." Came Ky, who Dash nodded in agreement with. I stared with unexpected surprise.

"H-how did-"

"Look we're no Jedi, but we can sense things all the same. And right now, we all have a bad feeling about this." Dash replied crossing his arms in a defiant manner. I keep forgetting how strong the force actually is in our family, I'm an idiot to assume they didn't get certain implications from the force from time-to-time. But I could contemplate that later. For now I need to make sure they get out of here.

"I'm not agruing with you, I will find some way off this ship and into that city. You can let me off now and get to safety before the TIE's come after you." I turned and walked towards the door, only to be stopped by Zoe grabbing my arm.

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