XXXII: Under Control

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That night, Colin calls the boys over for dinner to discuss some things. Things were pretty silent in the beginning, and not intentionally. They were just busy stuffing their faces.

"So I was going over some things and came up with one of two ideas. We fight to get Truth re-opened or we just let it die." Colin says.

"Let it die?" Odell asks.

"Mmhm. We have two other locations, and we can have three in total by the New Year."

"We got Miami? Officially?" Odell asks.

"Yep. All we need to do is go in there and make it ours. Set an opening date and that's it."

"But let it die? This one was the first Truth ever. Your baby. This one means more to you than anything." Odell says.

"I know, but is it worth going through all this to get it back open?"

"What's goin on Kap? Where's all this coming from, because the Kap I know would fight for what's his."

"Maybe I'm just tired of fighting...and Cain is out. Which means I can hand this whole thing over to him and wash my hands of this mess. But I just want to leave New York all together, but I know you have Akasha here with you Dell, and I don't want to mess that up for you. Same with you Cam. Which is why I'm leaving it up to y'all. We can fight to reopen, or we can let it go."

"I'm not trying to leave. I have something here that means something to me." Odell says and he pulls out a small box from his pocket. He opens it, exposing a 3 carat diamond ring. Everyone's eyes light up. "I'm in love, and when me and Kash head out to LA, I'm gonna ask her to marry me."

"It's about time." Cam asks.

"We've only been together for some months but, I know in my heart that she's the one."

"Honestly, you've been knowing that since I brought her and Aaliyah down during my sophomore year. Your lil ass was only what, 15? And Kash was 19..."

"Yup, and that didn't even matter to me. I instantly fell in love. And when I turned 18, that's when I tried to make my move."

"...and you got rejected!!!!" Cam says.

"Big time." Luke adds.

"Ain't nobody ask for all that. But the love I had for her never died...even though I played all them games with other women, it was her I wanted all along. Just took me a while to grow up and finally realize she ain't gone be there forever."

"Well, let me be the first to tell you congratulations, because I already know she's gonna say yes, and I am extremely proud of you. I mean that." Colin says.

"Thanks bro."

"So with all that being said, what y'all wanna do."

"I say we get our club back." Odell says.


"It doesn't matter to me." Colin nods.

"Luke...I'm sure you'd want it open as well. Anything to stay in New York with your little girlfriend, huh?"

"You know what...since Colin wants to hold this against me for however long he wants to be in his damn feelings...why don't you tell everyone what you been up to. Since ya know, we're all so close." Cam and Odell both look at Colin with a confused look. Colin is silent. "Fine, I guess I'll have to tell them."

"Luke." Colin says.

"He's fucking Elizabeth Ramirez. The bitch he was in love with in high school."

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