XIII: Breaking the Rules

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"You sure you'll be good taking over for a week?" Colin asks Luke. Both are in the office of the club. Colin came to gather a few things before heading out. Odell, Cam and Kai have already taken their flights to their respective destinations, Colin and his little family were the last to go. They waited a little over a month to make the planned trips. It's early November, Colin's birthday is in a couple days, CJ's is a few days after Colin's and it was a perfect time to go and spend it with his family.

"Yeah, I'll be good. Nothing I can't handle. Nothing unexpected should be happening though, right?" He asks with uncertainty. Colin eventually explained to Luke about the incident that happened in the basement of the club.

"No, things should run smoothly as always." Colin says walking over to his safe. He opens it, grabs his gun and puts it in his bag. "So, I'll see you in a week." Colin holds out his hand and daps it up with him.

"See you in a week. Enjoy the time with your family. And happy early birthday. You're getting old brother."

"We all are. Even Odell."

"Yeah...what's been going on with him...he seems different, and a tad bit more mature these days."

"One word...Akasha."

"No way. When did she start giving him the time of day."

"About a month ago. They're lowkey, but she put a leash on his ass, and quick. He instantly started to straighten up. I hope he doesn't fuck it up. But he's doing good so far."

"I hope he doesn't fuck up either, for his sake. Kash will fuck him up." Luke says.

"Yeah, and with no remorse either." Colin adds. "Alright Luke. Hold it down."

"Will do."

A few minutes after Colin leaves, he heads back downstairs where the scheduled staff is doing the usual; getting ready for the night ahead. Luke notices Carly (Changed the name from Ashley to Carly) at the bar, doing inventory.

 Luke notices Carly (Changed the name from Ashley to Carly) at the bar, doing inventory

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"Hey there, Miss Carly."

"Mr. Kue-" Luke raisins his eyebrow, interrupting her mid-sentence. "Luke." She says correcting herself.

"How's your day going?"

"Good...just trying to get everything ready...so it's just you tonight, huh?" Leaning against the bar.

"Yes ma'am it is...now that you're about a month in, how does it feel?"

"Good. It didn't take much time at all to get use to. I've been a bartender before."

"Hmm, that would explain a lot. Your drinks are better than anyone else's behind the bar."

"How would you even know...every time you get a drink, I make it."

"Yeah, because they're so good." He says with a smile.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were flirting with me....for like the past month."

"Maybe because I have been...and if you're up for it, I'd like to take you out."

"Isn't that against the rules, Mr. Kuechly?" She smirks.

"See the thing is, I don't follow the rules...most of the time. Especially when I partly own this place. I can do whatever I want." She giggles. "So how bout it? Let me take you out?"

"When? I have to be here tomorrow night, so that won't work."

"How about lunch tomorrow?"



"Sure, why not. You seem like a cool guy."

"I'm the coolest." He says, then soon realized how corny he sounded. "That was really corny."

"Yeaaah, just a little." She says while giggling.

"I'm sorry, you just make me nervous."

"Don't be. Now if you'll excuse me. I have work to do."

"As you were." Luke says. He stands there to watch her for a while. He thinks about what Colin said about not dating the employees, but she seemed like a sweet girl, what harm could she do; he thought to himself.

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