II: No Choice

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"Where you wanna eat?" Colin asks as CJ puts his seatbelt on.


"Pizza it is. You all buckled up?" He asks looking in the rearview mirror.

"Yes sir." They get to a pizza spot called Joe's. Before going inside, CJ changes out of his pads and into gray sweatpants and a matching hoodie.

"What kinda pizza you want?" Colin asks as they walk inside.


"Okay......let me get 2 slices of pepperoni my man."

"You got it." A couple minutes after paying they're pizza was ready.

"Wanna eat in here or go walking outside?" Colin asks.

"In here." He says quietly. They take a seat and start eating their pizza.

"That was a good game you played today. Looked like me out there."

"How come you're never with us." He asks bluntly.

"Umm, that's complicated."

"What does that mean?"

"It's hard to explain. But know that you're always gonna be safe. That, I can promise you."


"So I hear you're a huge teenage mutant ninja turtles fan."

He smiles and nods. "Yeah. I'm gonna be Michaelangelo for Halloween."

"Well Halloween is about a month away. The movie, however, comes out next weekend...wanna go?" He smiles. "Is that a yes?"



Colin takes CJ back to Aaliyah's and as he leaves, he gets a call from Luke.

"What's up Luke."

"Are you still with CJ?"

"Nah, I just dropped him off. I gotta handle some business then I'll be on my way home. Why, what's up?"

"Let me know when you get home."

"Alright, I'll let you know."

"Later." Luke says and hangs up.

"Was that Kap?" Cam asks as he walks in the office of the club.


"What's going on."

"We can't keep laundering cash...it's too much. We need to get rid of some of it, or do something else with it...soon"

"Where is he now?"

"'Handling business...and you know what that means. Do you ever regret even going through with all this? I mean we can all go to jail for a long time...handling business for a guy that's in jail."

"Kap had no choice."

"Kap had no choice. We did."

"And what did we all tell him?" Cam asks.

"That we weren't gonna leave him alone in it. We'd ride it out with him till it was all over..."

"Exactly. All we gotta do is do what we've been doin. Staying out of the way." Luke nods.

"Kai coming through tonight?"

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