Diary entry 28 - "Do you love him?"

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I exhale. "Does she know that you like her?"

"No. She's really shy around me and I'll get three words out of her before she 'bids me farewell' and I won't talk to her for a whole week. I feel like she's avoiding me." And now the irony has kicked in real hard.

That would be the same with me when I would be around Drake. I would always run for the hills. I was either too shy to talk or I didn't want to talk. The thing is, I think I liked him then but I was in denial.

I nod. Jake looks down at his hands. "Maybe she likes you. Ever considered that?" I bump his shoulder with mine.

He chuckles with no humour. "Debatable."

"Maybe in a few years time, you can have a real conversation with her. Trust me, I was like Violet. Always shy and I think I liked someone and I would run, legit run, from him. I avoided him cause I liked him." I advise.

"You really think she likes me?" He asks in pure shock.

"Possibly. But hey, don't give up on her. 'Cause if you do, you're not worth it. Remember this: girls like guys that are in for the chase. Don't give up on her. She'll come 'round." I smile and he nods, his lips curving at the ends.

We say goodbye and he skates away.

I check my phone. "3:58! Oh shoot!" I get up on my feet and run as fast as I can to my house.

When I get there I see Cassy's car already pulled up. "Shat!"

I knock on the door, long and hard, not bothering to use the key. Cassy opens the door in pure fury. "Where the hell have you been?!" Her face is red in anger, a side-effect of putting her in a bad mood. "You are," she looks at her phone that is held in her hand tightly, prolly focusing all of her anger in the death grip so she doesn't beat me to a pulp. "Forty-five minutes late. The dance starts at seven and you are forty-five minutes late!" She grinds her teeth.

"I'm sorry. I was helping someone. Guess I lost track of time." I shrug and push past her, skipping up the steps to my room.

"Not good enough!" She fumes, stomping up the steps.

"It was for a good cause." I say, concluding the discussion.

"Good cause my ass." She mutters under her breath. "Hurry up. The dresses are laying on your bed, I've picked out shoes, jewelry and makeup. You have ballet flats and,"

"Light makeup." I finish the sentence for her. I have a quick shower and wrap a towel around my body and my hair.

"Sit!" She orders and I oblige. She begins with a pinky-white base coat on my eyelids. She then uses a bronze colour where the bone is near my eyebrow as a thick outline. She then gets a coffee brown and halves what's left of the white and blends it in together on the edge. She gets some liquid eyeliner and underlines my waterline and does a small wing at the end of my eye. She puts on some midnight black mascara to lengthen my already long eyelashes. She puts some blush on the area where my cheekbones are and puts on some light pink matt lipstick on my lips.

"Voila." She exclaims and hands me a small hand mirror.

I gasp. "It's...beautiful." I turn to look at her. "Thank you!"

She nods. "Yeah yeah, I'm awesome. Now put your dress on and quickly do your hair while I do mine." She shoves me into the bathroom with my dress.

I chuckle and get on with my hair. I blow dry it cause it's still damp from my shower then curl it into tight curls. Once I've done that I run my fingers through my hair to loosen the curls into more natural waves. I nod, satisfied with the results and slip on my dress.

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