Chapter 36

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Cisco POV
"You're making progress." I said as Barry sits back down in Doctor Wells old wheelchair. He still had a long road of recovery ahead but the good thing he'll heal, not like an average person were they would be paralyzed for the rest of their life. "How much longer until I'm fully healed?" Barry asked staring at his Flash suit. "Well we've took two X-Rays and the one from yesterday showed some damaged but the one from today looks basically healed." Caitlin said showing Barry the x-rays from the two different days. "Guys, robbery in progress at the Central City bank." I said and in seconds Taylor and Ashton are out of the door. Barry rolled right up to the computer station watching each dot representing Ashton and Taylor as they stopped the robbers. Next thing I know they were back in the cortex without a scratch. "Well that was easy." Taylor said changing back into her regular clothes. "Great jobs guys." Barry said giving them both a high five before going over and once again staring at his Flash suit. "You think I'll ever wear it again?" He asked Ashton who was standing next to him. "I wish I knew." She said patting Barry on the shoulder before walking over to help Caitlin. "Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. You saw the X-Rays this morning you're almost healed you just need a little bit more time." I said placing one hand on Barry's shoulder before walking back to the computers to check the meta-human satellite.

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