Chapter 21

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Taylor's POV
Barry and I rushed to S.T.A.R Labs, Ashton running at her own pace. We got a call from Cisco saying another robbery! Captain Cold again! Oh course, when is he not trying to kill us! Barry and I rushed into our suits and waited for Ashton. She's gotten a lot faster than before when she used to take an hour to put her suit on. Once we got there we saw Captain Cold freezing and hurting innocent people. We already had a plan, that Barry would fight and distract cold while I saved the innocent people. Barry started punching and kicking him, while Ashton out of nowhere started controlling his cold gun. Apparently she can do that! I thought she could only control fire, earth, water and air, but now there's ice added to it. As Cold started throwing cars off the bridge with his cold gun, I used my speed and got the people from the cars into safety. I went from car to car until I had saved everyone in the incident. Then I rushed over to Barry and helped him take down cold. Both of us fighting against Cold, throwing punches and kicks. We took him down in less than a minute. I thought we had beaten him and that we had won. But then I hear a scream. Barry and I looked over to see Ashton on the ground in pain. We look over to see a guy with a gun in his hand walking towards us. "Didn't I tell you guys about my new sidekick." Cold said grinning. I ran over to help Ashton as Barry takes on the new guy. It looks like he had the same gun as Cold but instead of ice it was fire. I super sped Ashton back to S.T.A.R Labs then ran back to help Barry.
Barry had the new guy up against the wall. I looked around to see Cold making a run for it, so I ran right in front of him. "Where do you think you're going?" I said running Cold up against the wall.
It turns out Ashton's burn was only minor and would heal fast. That was good but what was also good Captain Cold and his sidekick that goes by the name of Heatwave are finally locked up in Iron Heights. For good.

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