Chapter 7

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Barry's POV
Finally Ashton and Taylor were allowed to leave S.T.A.R Labs but only if the swore they would come back if anything was to happen to them. Taylor had easily learned to control her powers but Ashton was a little harder since she could control all the elements and it's quite hard to learn how to not create a tornado every time you get excited or something.
We walked into Jitters and Iris rushes over giving me a hug. Taylor and Ashton just stood on either side of me confused. "Oh guys this is Iris my foster sister." I said as they both shook Iris' hand. "These are my .. Sisters." I said "Wait you have sisters? That's not possible." Iris said looking confused. "It's a long story." I say "But she kind of looks like you." Iris said nodding towards Taylor, "They both look alike." "They're twins. The one you mentioned is Taylor, and this is Ashton." I said motioning toward Ashton. Iris scanned them. Taylor had the same hair as Barry and Ashton had blonde hair. "You guys have the same eye color." Iris pointed out as the jealously started to show. "Well what happened to you?" Iris asked motioning towards Ashton's bandaged arm. "Well I was burned pretty bad the night of the particle accelerator explosion." Ashton said as Iris looked a bit shocked.

Iris POV
"Wow" I thought they looked a lot like Barry for sure. "Well if you guys want to take a seat I can get you something to drink." I said pointing over to a table. They sat down and started talking. I come over with water before taking their order. There was something odd about the way Ashton reacted when I put the water down like she was scared or something but I just brushed it off. After I had gotten their drinks, I took my lunch break and sat down with them. "So how did you guys find each other?" I asked
Then Barry explained it all and in the end, I was still confused. "So you're telling me that Taylor was struck by lightning just like you." I said in a puzzled voice. "Yeah, weird huh." Barry said. All of a sudden we hear this loud screech from the street. We all run over to see two cars about to collide and then all of a sudden Taylor and Barry are gone in a flash. I see Ashton running outside at normal speed and the next thing I know, I'm see two blurs racing around the cars and the cars collide but it's like the explosion was stopped but frozen in time. I look over to see Ashton standing there looking like she was concentrating very hard then I assumed Ashton could be controlling the fire and those two blurs are Taylor and Barry? As I see Taylor crash into a building and Barry helping her up. "Arghh!' Taylor said walking in with Barry and Ashton. "I can't stop, I always crash into things because of my speed." "Wait, do you see visions?" Barry asked. "Yes. Don't say it!" Taylor warned. "The same as mine were." Barry said grinning. "And he says it!" Taylor said throwing her arms up in frustration. "Wow, that was cool." Ashton said out of breath. "How are you out of breath you didn't even move!" Taylor says. "Well I'm sorry I was controlling a huge explosion under a tight clock and one wrong move I could have killed you and everyone else." Ashton's said, "And besides my arm is still burning."

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