Chapter 6

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Ashton's POV
After my little fresh air I went back inside. Cisco was working on some cool new tech thing, so I went over to see. All of a sudden my arm started to burn and then my body went cold as water. All the water, elements, in the room started to float then drop uncontrollably. Then the air started turning wishing around the room. I fell to the ground in pain. I started screaming as everything started flying everywhere. Then I felt a needle go into my back and I passed out.
----30 minutes later---
I open my eyes to see I'm back in the stupid medical bed hooked up to all the machines again. "What happened? Where's Taylor?" I ask Cisco. "You got powers Ash" Cisco explains that I can control the four elements (Fire, Earth, Water, and Air) But then I see Taylor entering with Barry. Barry rushed over and explained everything to Cisco and Caitlin. "What's going on?" I thought. I looked over at Taylor to see she was looking at the ground with a worried look and fiddling with her fingers. Barry took Taylor and Caitlin over to a corner and they all started talking rapidly. I wanted to know what was happening, why wasn't I a part of this? That's when my deep thoughts made me fall asleep.

Taylor's Pov
I didn't understand what was happening to me. The next thing I know is Barry grabbing me by the arm and dragging Caitlin and I to a corner and explaining everything that happened to me while Cisco was writing it all down and trying to match it all up. Cisco ran over and said, "I know why this is happening." "Why?" Barry asked concerned. "Because these are her new powers, once she got struck by the lightening she got her super speed and invisibility. She's vibrating because her body's trying to get used to her powers." Cisco explained, "And Barry, just to tell you, She is like you in so many ways." With that Cisco walked back to Ashton to check on her. "I agree with Cisco." Caitlin said leaving us both alone.

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