Chapter 9

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Cisco POV
"The trio returns." I say as Barry and the twins walk into the cortex. "Well I have to go to work so I needed some place to bring them so why not here? I'll be back later, if I'm not back by 6:00 you guys can call a cab or drive." Barry said while walking out the door. "So, how's are the powers working out?" I asked. "Good" Ashton and Taylor said in sync. "Ash, let's take a look on that burn see if you can take that big bulky cast thing off." I said "Hopefully" Ashton said as she walks over to the medical bed. On the other hand Taylor walks over to the treadmill and starts running till she's an invisible blur.
As I start cutting the cast of I can see that she has healed perfectly, well except for the huge scar going from her shoulder to her wrist but that's about and inch wide. "It looks fully healed but sadly you'll have that scar for the rest of your life." I said. "Yes! I don't have to were that painful cast anymore." She said pumping her fist in the air the same way Barry does when he gets to lock up a new meta-human in the particle accelerator. "She start walking over to the fish tank that we keep in the lab and starts making little water circles in the air. "You're really getting good at controlling your powers you know." "Yeah, it's not that easy and it still hurts sometimes but it's fun" She said walking over to where Taylor was still running on the treadmill.
Barry still hasn't come yet. "We're going to head home." Ashton saidgrabbing her coat.

Taylor's POV
I stopped. "What if something happened to him?" I said turning to Cisco. His eyes widened. Cisco hacked into his tracking device to find Captain Cold. "He's back." Cisco whispered and I was gone in a flash. Ashton came flying because since she can control air, she can also fly. I entered, flew on top of Captain Cold and pinned him to the ground. Once he was knocked out, Ashton was over helping Barry by controlling the fire melting the ice. Barry got up and had a huge frostbite on his stomach and we helped him walk outside then handed him off to Caitlin and Cisco to treat his frostbite.

Barry POV
I was almost done sorting through some papers when. "Barry Allen, never thought I'd find you here." That voice sounded familiar what I turn around and it's none other than the famous Leonard Snart. He stood there in the middle of the room with his cold gun in hand. "What do you want Snart?" I ask slowly inching toward my phone to call the twins. But Snart was steps ahead of me because he zapped my phone with his cold gun and the next thing I know I was frozen to the ground by Snarts cold gun. I was unable to phase out because ice slows me down and makes me unable to vibrate at the fast enough speed.
All of a sudden Snart is pinned to the ground by no one other than Taylor. Ashton comes running over controlling the flame from one of my tests and melts the ice. I get up to find I had a huge frostbite on my stomach and I walked outside needing support from Ashton and Taylor to find the S.T.A.R Labs van parked outside. Caitlin and Cisco come running over helping me walk to the van where they set me down and treated my frostbite.

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