Chapter 32

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Barry's P.O.V
I found Zoom, and started to fight him. Ashton was lying on the ground after Zoom had slammed her against a wall. I saw she was trying to help but couldn't after not being able to breathe. I feel her pain. Once I got close enough I ripped off his mask and punched him unconscious. Then Ashton limped over and I sped over to Taylor. "I thought you'd take another 2 years!" She exclaimed. "Sorry, Cisco had to finish the gloves then he had to get over his fear of making the breach. Then we had to relocate Zoom's lab, take him out and now try and get you out." I explained. "Sorry. About everything." Cisco said. "Not now, Cisco." Ashton said nudging him. "Alright Tay, phase through the bars." I said. "I can't." She said. "You haven't even tried." "Barry, I tried to the other day, I wanted to just leave, so I tried and tried and it never worked." "What if you two do it together?" Ashton suggested. "It's not gonna work but let's give it a shot." Taylor said sighing. Taylor and I started vibrating our hands against the cold cell poles, but it didn't work. "I told you." Taylor said. "Do you believe in yourself?" I asked. "What?" Taylor asked confused. "Do you believe you can phase yourself out of there?" I asked more clearly. "No." She muttered. "Tay, you have to believe in yourself. Believe and you'll be out of this and at home in no time." I said. "Ok, let's do this." She said. We tried again, and then there was a flash of red and light blue. Then I ended up in Taylor's cell. "Woah." Taylor said. I knew we could do it, Taylor just need confidence in herself, and I helped with that. "Now hold my hand and vibrate your free hand against the poles, so we can get out of here." I said reaching for her hand. Taylor took my hand and we started phasing through the cell. Then we were both out of the cell. Everyone surrounded Taylor in a group hug. "Ok, let's get out of here, I'm already sick of this place!" Taylor said running to the door. None of us followed her. "Guys, let's go." She said opening the door. "You do realize Cisco can open a breach right in front of us right?" Ashton said. "Oh, let's go then!" Taylor said speeding back to us as we went through the breach that Cisco just finished making. Later we closed all the breaches and made sure to have cameras in all  of the rooms, so no one can get captured without anyone knowing. "Thanks for saving me, guys!" Taylor said. We all smiled including Taylor. What a day we all had.

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