Chapter 31

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Ashton's P.O.V
Finally Cisco had found a way to Earth 2. He had finally perfected the gloves and was ready to test them out. We were in an old abandoned hospital apparently it was the best place to open a breach I don't know, I wasn't paying attention to Cisco as he explained the science of it.
He aimed the gloves and turned them on. A big blue wormhole formed in the middle of the room. "Wow." I say in amazement. Barry grabs onto my hand and next thing I know we're in some random alley way. "Did it work?" I asked looking from Barry to Cisco. "Let's find out." Barry said walking out of the alley. "Yeah it definitely worked." Cisco said looking around at how different the environment was compared to our Earth. We had tracked down Zoom's lair and we were heading there now. It turned out to be a cave made by an old abandoned  train station. We climbed the mountain to find ourselves inside some creepy horror movie evil lair thing. We looked around when I spotted Taylor. I ran over but ran right into something that definitely wasn't there before. I look up from the floor to see none other than the famous Jay Garrick and I backed up away from him. " I was wondering when you would join us." Zoom said. "Just let Taylor go." I said. "How about...NO." Zoom yelled speeding over and grabbing me by the neck and throwing me against the wall. Then Barry ran over to start and fight him. I tried to help Barry but I wasn't much help since I could barely breath.

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