Chapter 11

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"Let's give theses new suits a try, how about a race?" Taylor asked giving Barry a look. "Oh it's on! On your mark get set GO." Barry said and we were off making papers fly all around the room. Now it's just Ashton and Cisco and they decide to fix something with the satellite to make it track meta's and abnormal things around the city. "Wow, that race they're having is really long." Cisco says looking at the clock. "From what I've seen there probably racing around the world right now." Ashton said. "Yeah probably." Cisco replied.

Taylor was beating Barry by an inch. "I'm winning." She yelled. "You won't be soon." Barry said smirking.  Once they were on their 5th time running around Central City, Taylor crashed into a dumpster. "Whoa, are you ok?" Barry said rushing towards her. "Yea, I'm fine." She coughed. Barry helped her up and gave her a look. "What? I'm just getting used to my speed!" Taylor exclaimed. "That's not what I'm talking about." Barry said letting out a laugh. "If you're talking about the race, other than my crash, I totally beat you!" I said grinning. "This race doesn't count. We need a rematch, you can't just crash with a lead and say you win. Rematch another day." Barry said smirking. "Ugh! Fine!" Taylor yelled and started running to Jitters. Barry at her heels and he got a coffee and Taylor got tea. They talked, laughed, then they had another run around Central City. This time Taylor didn't crash and they were now tied. "Oh, come on!" Taylor yelled, "This is why I wanted the first one to count because I crashed but I beat you by an inch!" Barry grinned, "That's why I didn't count it. So we could be tied." "Ugh, fine." Taylor groaned. We ran back home and Taylor laid on the couch watching the news about herself and Barry both running around and them suspecting he has Ashton and Taylor as his new "permanent" team members.

Ashton's P.O.V
--Next Day--
"So how was the race against Taylor." I asked. Barry and I were sitting on the couch watching movies since Taylor went for a run around the world probably stopping in random places. "It was fun until Taylor crashed into a wall. We had to start the whole race over and we tied." Barry said.
We were sitting on the couch  watching "Annabelle" and I noticed Barry was scared. So to make him jump even more I made a slow breeze of air blow over the back of his neck and he jerked up in fear. "Aww is little Barry scared." I said in a baby voice. "You did that didn't you." Barry said. "Maybe or maybe it was Annabelle." I say not shaking off the fact that I scared him so badly.
"What do you want to do now." Barry asked after the movie was over. "Well I still want to see more of Central City since I haven't been here long and only have seen the main places around the city." I said. "Well then all aboard the Central City tour." Barry says getting his jacket on. Once we get outside, we decide to go to the park.
When we get there we got an amazing view of the ocean and city line. I flew up to see all of Central City and it was beautiful. I must have been up there for a while because I heard Barry calling me. " Hey you ever going to come back down to Earth or are you just going to leave me here." He said. "Oh sorry just got caught up in how beautiful Central City really is. Hey, why should you and Taylor have all the fun racing? I know I'll probably lose, but you want to race home?" I asked. "Sure. On your mark get set Go." We whoosh through Central City and make it home. Of course Barry wins. "Hey, I told you I was going to lose." I said walking up the steps. "Well you still are a really fast flyer and besides we don't really need you for your speed but for your other ability like to control fire, and water." We walk inside to find Taylor finally back from her run around the world. "What did you guys do?" She asked and we explain the whole night to her and I made sure not to leave a single detail out about how I scared Barry.

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