Chapter 4

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Barry POV
I was still sitting next to Taylor. Tears started streaming down her face. I squeezed her hand then walked over to Ashton. "Hi." I said as I sat down and made my head leveled with hers. "Hi" she said with a scratchy voice "So from what I heard from your sister your name is Ashton and you were burned the night of the partial accelerator explosion." "Yeah" She said staring at the ground. "Well my name's Barry, Barry Allen." That's what made her look up. She looked me right in the eyes. "You're my brother." "Yea" I replied "Wow you look a lot like Taylor." She said "Yeah I guess I do" I replied running a hand through my hair. "How are you feeling?" I asked "Well beside the scratch in my voice and my arm burning like crazy I'd say I was ok." Ashton said with a laugh, "Hey where did Taylor go" "For a walk." I said. "Lucky, I could really use some fresh air right now." She said. "Well let's go outside" I said as I took her hand and helped her stand up.

Taylor's POV
"Can I take a walk?" I asked. "Yeah, just be careful." Cisco said giving Barry a look. "She's not like me!" I heard Barry say as I walked out. I don't know what that was supposed to mean but I shook it off. I needed a break from Ashton right now she was mad at me for no reason. Out of nowhere I started speeding. Flash back of the night our mom died and Ashton and I in our room seeing it all even though we were babies. Then I started vibrating and turned invisible. What's happening to me?! I yelled. I crashed into a wall. Ow! I don't know what happened and I couldn't control it! I was heavily breathing and I couldn't walk the right way. I leaned over trying to steady my breathing but my breathing got even heavier than before.

The Flash: A Whole New Beginning (BOOK 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें