Chapter 23

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Wally's POV
Ashton said she needed time to think. When she said that it crushed my soul, I didn't know what to say or think. She was coming over later along with Barry and Taylor and I don't know what I'm going to say to her. We were going to watch the football game. "Hey, it looks like Barry and the twins can't make it. Barry said that Ashton was sick." Joe said sitting down next to me and all I could think of if she was saying she was sick to avoid me. All these thoughts were just jumbling around in my brain. "Hey, can I tell you something?" I asked. "Yeah son, what's up." He said turning the T.V off and turning towards me. "It just that when we went bowling, I kind of ask Ashton out and she said she needed time to think. I gave her time to think and now I just thought that maybe Ashton was saying she was sick to avoid me." I explained staring at the floor. "She's not avoiding you, Wally, and everyone needs a little time to think before they make a big decision like that." Joe said patting me on the back. "Yeah I guess." I said still staring at the floor. "Hey don't beat yourself up about it, one day you'll meet the perfect girl for you." Joe said turning the T.V back on and we started watching the game again.

Barry's POV
We were meant to go to Joe's house to watch the game the other day. But Ashton started throwing up, and we had to cancel. I think she got sick from being so nervous about seeing Wally and what she was going to say to him. We stayed at home for the rest of the night and watched movies. Ashton was sick the rest of the night so I planned to take her to the doctors the next day.
---Next day---
Taylor went over to S.T.A.R Labs to run on the treadmill while I took Ashton to the doctors. She still wasn't feeling the greatest. I carried her to the car and set her in her seat. Once we got to the doctor office, we went into the room and the doctor came in to run tests. "It looks like she's just overly stressed." The doctor explains. "Yeah, that's what I assumed since she does have a lot going on right now." I said. "Yeah, well we'll give her some medicine but she should be good in a couple of days." He explained, "And you're her?" "Brother." I nodded. "Ok well you two are free to go, we'll send the medicine to your house in a couple hours." The doctor said before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

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