Chapter 30

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Cisco POV
I was still a little shaken by what Barry said. I guess I haven't cared as much as I should. I started working on finding a way to Earth 2. Then I had a vibe. I saw Reverb opening a portal to our earth. Then I realized I had the same powers as him so that meant I could open a portal to Earth-2. I look up at the T.V I still had the heroes day ceremony on. I saw Ashton and Barry standing on the stage and I turned up the volume. "Our sister, Bullet Flash, was taken by an evil speed demon, Zoom, and we weren't planning on coming here today because we were too focused on finding her." I heard Ashton say. But then I remembered Barry told me if I found a way to Earth 2 to call him immediately. "Hey Barry I found a way to earth 2." I say into the phone. "No way, we'll be there in a second." He said and I look back up on the T.V and see Barry whisper to Ashton. "We have to go." Ashton said and they were gone and I felt a breeze of wind behind me. "How?" Barry asked. "Well I had a vibe earlier and I saw Reverb and I saw him open a portal to our Earth so I thought since we had the same powers I could open a portal of Earth 2." I said. "That explains how Zoom got Taylor." Barry said. "Well that's great, but how do you do that." Ashton asked. "Well that's the thing Reverb had his gloves to help but we don't have anything like that so I'm still working on that part." I said feeling guilty that I didn't think of that before telling them. "Well at least we have a way." Barry said.

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