"Potty mouth. I knew he would be a shit father. Runs in the fucking family I guess."

"Fuck you, Bastard."

"Shut up." I broke a smile after he smacked me. He was so easy to tick off.

"I know someone who could teach you how to control your temper – or at least hide it." I thought I saw Ben smile but I could have imagined it, I probably did.

"We were having dinner at a house they were planning to sell. Your mom was so good looking by the way and her cooking... damn. Carl sure knew how to pick them. Just like our pathetic father." he said.

"My grandfather had one son." I hissed.

"That you knew of." he snapped at me.

"You're just like him. Spoilt little piece of shit." I coughed as he punched me in my stomach. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back so I was looking at him again. His dark eyes were identical to my own, his hair, his nose. He had a wider jaw than I did, but even so, he looked a lot like me. I guess my grandfather had really dominant traits. He grinned. "We had dinner, a 'family' dinner. Your father left to use the bathroom and I was with your mother. She was facing the fridge, getting some drinks, and I took my gun from my briefcase. She turned to ask what I would like and I shot her, in her shoulder. I did not want to kill her, not yet. She screamed, she looked so stunned," he chuckled.

"Shut up." I muttered, my teeth still ground together as I glared at him.

"I shot her in her abdomen next, low enough to break her spine, but nowhere that would kill her quickly. She fell, she couldn't move. She was trying to struggle, trying to speak. Probably ask me why. God, that was hard, she was so fucking gorgeous, it almost pained me to have to kill her, but I had to to make him suffer." he said frowning as he shook his head. I shut my eyes.

"Shut up." I repeated desperately trying not to picture what he was describing and failing dismally. "Stop." I could feel tears stinging my eyes. I didn't want to hear it.

"Your father came running in." I felt Declan's thumb run across my cheek taking a trail of tears with it but I kept my eyes shut because I knew I would be looking right at him if I opened them and it would make him happy to see what I felt, "And I shot him in his legs, quite a few times because he was persistent, I'll hand him that." He let my hair go and I dropped my head. I couldn't breathe, my chest hurt. Everything hurt and my sobbing wasn't helping. I was trying not to, but I couldn't stop.

"He was on the floor, dragging himself towards her, but I got to her first. I began dropping fuel on her and he began begging." he laughed, "Finally begging like he should have been from the start. He begged me to let her go, to kill him. He offered me everything, but at the time I was sure since he KNEW we were brothers he would give me everything he owned in his will. The look on his face when he realised I wasn't going to let her go..." he chuckled. "And then I drew the lighter, and he screamed. She was barely conscious but her screaming when the flames lit up –" he laughed.

I felt drained. All of that made him so happy... How could he do that? How could anyone do that? I sniffled as I gave up on trying to stop my tears. He grabbed my hair pulling it back so I could look at him once again. I shut my eyes not to give him the satisfaction as I shook my head from his grip and looked back down.

"Oh, the look on his face as he watched her burn..." I couldn't see through my tears as I looked down onto my lap. My mom didn't deserve to die like that... He grabbed my chin and lifted it, luckily I couldn't see his face either, "I let him watch until she was gone, until there was no more screaming, just cracking fire, and then I turned to him and I pointed my gun to his face and I was sure he would be happy about it, he had nothing more to live for, after all. What a boring kill that would have been, but then he spoke again. He began begging me not to kill him. He kept saying 'he's waiting' and 'don't let me do this to him'. I had no fucking idea what he was on about so I shot him." he grit his teeth. "It was great... until I fucking found out that I was getting nothing!" he shouted and I coughed as his fist met my abdomen again, "Because everything they ever owned was given to one person, and that person was to remain anonymous. You took everything! You ruined everything!" He hit me again, I barely reacted. I was numb, there was nothing he could do to me now. "But I guess I can't hate you too much." I blinked confused and saw a smirk shape onto his face, "Because I get to do it all over again and see that look on Sergio's face while you burn." He grinned.

I spat the blood in my mouth into his face and screamed when he stabbed a knife into my left hand.

"God, I wish I had kept your father alive so he could watch this." I let out another scream as he stabbed my leg. He didn't pull it back out, he twisted it a little as he smiled down at me.

"Stop –" my tone was begging him. I cried out as he extracted the blade roughly.

He laughed lifting my chin with the side of the bloody blade.

"Oh, Alex, we're just getting started. You have to be stronger than this, kid." I felt the knife cut my lip as he punched me in the face a number of times. I couldn't keep count with the pain shooting through my face.

I let my head fall when he was done, my face and eyes pounding as he stepped back.

"Goodnight, my little nephew." He chuckled as he ruffled my hair, "Don't kill him." his voice commanded as he walked out and I felt my chest clench in fear as the guys around Ben smirked. He was staring at me emotionless; it was becoming harder to see them as my eyes grew.

In the next few minutes I was swarmed by punches and kicks while I prayed that I would get knocked out just so the pain would stop.


Nope, Declan's not Sergio's dad, lol.

Thank you for reading. There are about three or four chapters left 0_o...

Please tell me what you think, vote and share :D

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