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Riley wasn't having the best day when she flopped onto the couch and flipped on the television. She received yet another undesirable mark in her Spanish class and it put quite the damper on her usually sunny disposition. She flips the channels on the set until giving up when 'American Idol' starts, deciding that if she couldn't be talented she could at least appreciate other people's talents.
"Up next we've got a little girl with big dreams! Let's see if she's got what it takes to impress the judges." The girl who made her way to the stage was short and blonde, decked out in a punk rock kind of style, but when the camera showed her face Riley gasped at how beautiful she was.
"Hi!" Katy and Luke said together
"What's your name?" Lionel asks
"My name is Maya Hart"
"Uh huh, and how old are you Maya?" Luke adds
"I'm turning 17 in a few months"
"What will you be doing for us today, Maya?" Katy inquires, leaning forward. Riley leans forward in her chair too, entranced by this random beauty on her screen.
"I'll be singing one of my favorite songs at the moment, 'Honey' by Kehlani."
"Alright, whenever you're ready!"
Maya maneuvers the guitar that was slung over her back so that she can play, she shakely inhales and starts to play, her voice mixing with the guitar chords to create magic. Riley is awestruck by her sheer talent, and she's pretty sure she's fallen in love by the time Maya stops singing.
The judges all seem pleased-except Lionel
"Maya, you know we see a lot of singers here on this show."
"Yes, sir."
"What makes you think you can compete against the other vocalists here tonight?"
"Sir, I don't know if I can or can't, but I'm definitely trying."
"Well if your performance is any indication as to how you'll do against the competition, then I think you're going to succeed. I'll start of voting by saying it's a Yes for me, Katy?"
"You've got your second Yes!"
"I think you know where this is going, Yes!"
"Maya, you have three Yes's and you're headed to New York!"
The show continues forward, but no one is nearly as interesting or as pretty as Maya, Riley ends up turning off the set at some point and retireing to her room, humming 'Honey' all the while.

"Did you see AGT last night? They had this blonde girl and she was amazing!" Farkle emphasized this point by slamming his locker door. The school day was ended and the group had decided Topanga's would be a great afternoon destination, they were heading there now.
"Yeah! She was crazy good!" Zay contributed, he held the door open as Lucas, Riley and Farkle shuffled through
"You know, the contestants are all coming to New York for the next round, we could probably run into somebody, maybe even her!" Lucas was enthusiastic
"Do you really think we could run into Maya?" The fact that Riley remembered the girls name and the excitement she displayed was not lost on the boys, who each immediately started smiling
"You know... she did say she's our age" Zay nudged Riley
"And she is really pretty" Lucas gave Riley a gentle nuggie
"The song she sang was about liking girls, though, so it is plausible that only Riley has a chance, and I think that, by Riley's blush, it is deductible that Riley is willing to take that chance." Farkle pokes fun at his friend
"Guys, stop!" Riley groaned "We probably won't even see them, let alone Maya herself."

"That's probably for the best, meeting your idol almost never results in anything good."
"Yeah, sure, ok." Lucas smiled, the conversation trailed to new topics as the group continues towards Topanga's.

As they reached the tiny bakery, Lucas moved forward to catch the door, letting all of his friends go past, and then they aproached the counter to place their orders. They all, then, take seats in their usual spots, continuing their various chatter. When their order is called Riley stands to retrieve it from the counter and, as she does this, a blonde girl enters the cafe. Zay notices first,
"Guys! It's her!" He frantically hits Lucas's knee repeatedly whilst pointing at the girl. The boys both turn to see who Zay is so excited about, and they both gasped. Maya Hart.

Farkle reacted first, "We should invite her to sit with us!"

"Do you think she would?" Lucas didn't wait for a response, instead he passed Riley- who was coming back with their orders, oblivious to the other girl's presence- and approached Maya- who was taking her receipt and latte from the counter. "Excuse me," Maya turned to him, surprised, "my friends and I recognized you off of AGT, we think you're super talented, and we were wondering if you'd like to come and join us at our table?"

"Yeah! That would be great, thank you!" Lucas gestured to the table where Riley could be seen distributing the various food items among his friends, they started to wander over. "I'm Maya, by the way."

"I'm Lucas, and this is Zay, Farkle, and Riley."

Farkle and Zay smiled and waved in that way you do when you're trying to be normal but you're actually freaking out inside, and Riley turned to see who Lucas was introducing.

To say Riley was star struck would be an understatement. On screen Maya was beautiful, in real life she was absolutely stunning. Riley couldn't bring herself to do anything but stare at the girl standing beside Lucas, Maya smiled and said, "Hey!"

Lucas and Maya take seats, Lucas beside Zay, Maya beside Riley.

Riley's clear reaction to the girl's arrival was not lost on the boys, Zay whispers so only Lucas can hear, "Let's have a little fun with this." Lucas cocks an eyebrow, Zay winks in response. "So, Maya, I like that song that you performed, and you did great, but why'd you choose it?" Riley looks at him, wide eyed, as she realizes what he's up to, he just shoots her a smile.

"Oh, Honey? I chose it cause I wanted to do a song that I knew would do my vocals justice, plus I felt like it was a good, honest way to make my debut."

"What do you mean honest?" Farkle asks

"Well, I just really relate to the lyrics, you know? I feel like singers share a piece of themselves with every performance, the songs they- we- I?- sing, mean so much more when they have lyrics that speak for the experiences I've had."

"Oh, so then, you like girls?" Zay just says it, Lucas, Farkle, and Riley look embarrassed at his blatant-ness. Maya just laughs and rolls her eyes

"Yes, okay? That was what I was getting at, I'm a big 'ol lesbian!" She smiles, "But it does mean more to me than just that!"

"Hey! Riley's gay, too!"


"And she's single!"


"Hey! We're just being honest!"

Riley buries her face in her hands in disbelief and embarrassment, Maya nudges her shoulder, "Hey, nothing to be ashamed of, I'm single, too."

"How?" Riley responds, amazed that the goddess next to her wasn't spoken for

"'I'm a heartbreak vet,' remember?" Maya nudges Riley's shoulder again, " You know what? We should be single together sometime."

The boy's bust out laughing, Riley turns bright pink and stutters out, "Did- did you just ask me out?"

"If that's what you want, yes."

"Yes! I'm not passing up the chance to date the next American Idol!" Maya raises her eyebrows "But not in a weird obsessive way! I'm sorry, yes I would love to go out with you sometime."

Smiles all around the table grow warmer at the thought of their future, sometimes meeting your idol does result in good things.

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