Stop Fussing

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Riley was tapping away on her laptop at the kitchen table finishing some work she needed to get done. Maya, meanwhile was cutting up some vegetables to put in the- "Ow! Shit!" Maya's knife slipped and left a gash that was already dripping with blood.
Riley rushes to her love's side, "Maya! Are you ok?" Seeing the wound, Riley panics "You need a doctor! You need ice! And apply pressure! Where's a towel? You have to-"
"Riley!" The brunette stops rushing around, "It's not that bad, see?" Maya rinses her hand under some water, the cut isn't deep, but it's still bleeding. "I'll be fine, stop fussing."
"I'm taking you to a doctor. You need stitches!"
"Okay! Okay! We can go to the doctors."
"Can I have the lollipop?"
"Of course, honey."

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