Just Say It

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"I bet you're all wondering why we gathered you here today," Riley looked around Topanga's, at her friends, and her family, she couldn't do it "Maya?"
Maya sighed and attempted to take over, "Riley thought it would be a good idea to tell everyone together." Maya's scan over the room also left her panicked, Why did you think that, Riles?"
Their inability to say what they needed to say went on like this for a while longer, then Shawn had a suggestion, "Guys, just do the thing where you alternate who says what word and see where that takes you."
Maya and Riley looked at each other, "Maya" "and" "I" "are" "maybe" "kinda" "sorta" "definitely" "absolutely" "total-"
"Just say it! You're dating! It's not like none of us have noticed!" Zay revives two shocked expressions(from the lovely lesbian ladies themselves) and several nods of agreement (from the various other party members)
"They're Riley and Maya, they're gonna marry each other! And I get to be the best man!" Auggie's statement is met with laughter
"You guys knew?" Stupid question Maya
"You're not angry at us?" Even stupider question Riley
Katy is smiling as she says "Maya, I've known since that day when you were seven and you came in and I asked you how your day was, you told me everything you two did that day and I knew that you were in love. I don't know how I knew it, but I saw it in you."
"Since the day you met, Riley has only talked about you, Maya. I don't think she realized it was a crush until, oh.... three weeks ago? She stopped talking about you all the time, I knew something had changed."Topanga and her lawyer observation skills
"That's when we started dating! I didn't want you to get suspicious because all I wanted to talk about was Maya, so I tried to not talk about her so often, I guess that backfired..." Riley grabs Maya's hand as a reflex
"So, when's the wedding?"
"Grandma!" The girls both turn pink while the party laughs

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