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I sat looking out the window as the rain fell from the gray clouds in the sky, but it wasn't my room that I sit in. I came to Kylies house earlier today, they say either to pack her things up and move in or they will just burn the place down since it holds to many secrets to the mafia, hidden doors that we use for missions and exits to the tunnels underground. I can't let them just burn the place down, it's the last thing that I have of her. I love looking at all her pictures that she has hung on her walls, some from when she was little up to her teen age, then straight to college year..

Holy shit college.. none of us have been there in ages, we all pushed it behind us after the government had fallen. I remember the night so clearly like it was just yesterday.. I was walking the streets of London on my way to pick up some stuff and then gun shots broke out streets over, screams filled the streets, fires started in buildings, people started to run out of there houses with bags packed shoving their children into vehicles. College was were I met Kylie for the first time, she snuck up behind Niall and jumped on his back. At first I thought she'd just be a good shag but then I learned more about her and how she pits others before her..

My mum always told me that you can never fall in love at first sight, that it's a lie. You have to learn about that person and their actions before you can fall in love. And I learned about kylie, today I even found one of her journals but haven't had the guts to open it yet. I just want to see what she wrote about, what her thoughts were on everything and everyone around her. So what I did next was something big, I opened her black journal to a random page..

May 26th,

My nightmares have returned.. The darkness takes over my body and paralyzes me to where I am forced to relive it all once more. It all felt so real again, the screaming, and shouting as I watched them beat her in front of my 10 year old self.. All the blood was so.. so real to me.

I woke up with a jolt, Rob held me in his arms for hours last night. He stayed until I was able to sleep, I still remember when I was younger he was there for me all the time just like tonight. Rob was more of a father to me instead of my real dad, I'm grateful for Rob but I do treat him horribly.

I think what triggered my nightmares was what happened at the warehouse yesterday. The gun shots, and then being dragged and shoved out of the room. What's wrong with me? Why am I like this?


Flipping to another random page I began to read it..

June 13th,

I killed him.. and the way Harry looked at me was horrible. I shouldn't have killed that man but he was sent from another gang, he was sent from him. I couldn't let him get away, Harry was in the wrong place and the wrong time. The way I looked into Harry's eyes made my heart clench that's when I knew I had to jump away from him.

I can't let anyone get hurt for me. It's better to push people away, they won't get hurt for being near me. I'm nothing but trouble, I bring trouble.

- king

August 3rd,

I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more. I love you more.

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