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{Main Cast}

Kylie King- Jennifer Greenwood

Jessica Garcia- Dacey Loxx

Mr. King- Christian Bale

Harry Styles

Niall Horan

Louis Tomlinson

Liam Payne


Sometimes I wonder how my life would be if my father wasn't the God father;The Don Mafia leader. I for sure know I wouldn't be the girl I am today. I would be more focused on my education, I'd be closer to family. But no I walk out my front door every morning knowing I may not live to see another day. I'm in danger always have been since I was born. My father, Mr.King he use to be around alot, But seven years ago he pushed himself away from me after the horrible thing that happened to our family, to our people. Since he hasn't been around that's where Rob comes in, my bodyguard.

When you first see me your first thoughts are, innocent little girl, straight A's, snobby attitude, spoiled brat. But little do you know I'm a wild child, I want to have fun, to live free. I live two totally different lives, my friends aren't really my friends. They only stick around for my money, and amazing parties. The only friend I could count on is my best friend Jessica. We've been best friends since third grade, now still best friends starting Freshman year of college together. Jessica is just like me, we both are wild. And just like me she lives a double life. We don't live on campus, Jessica moved into my flat with me.

Rob is my bodyguard he's annoying and always rats me out to my father. I always treat Rob like shit, we always fight which ends with him getting hurt. Before you think I'm a bitch think of it this way, the fucker never dies.. My father, Mr.king he's pretty high up. I never really see him, that's why Rob is around. But that's okay my father is a busy man, his business is huge, it's my real life. You can never really escape who you really are because it's family business.

Now Harry Styles? Oh no. I can't stand his guts, he makes me want to bash my head into a brick wall with his comments. He thinks he knows every little thing about me since the first day he saw me.. but little does he know, I have a dirty little secret. He doesn't like the fact that I don't throw myself at him like all the other girls. Harry likes to annoy me, we have all the same classes together. He always takes a seat next to me to try and learn more about me, I don't let him learn anything. I try to ignore his sexual comments, boring jokes, and touchy hands. He may have not learned anything about me, but I found out I'm not the only one with a dirty little secret..


Kylie's POV*

Even though I have my first day of college tomorrow I can't seem to go home just yet. My body swayed back and forth on the dance floor my dress slowly raising up, my outfit may be a little slutty. The music blasts through out the whole club, flashing lights all different colors going off. People everywhere dancing on eachother, smoke filled air, drinks being drank, people making out. A pair of rough hands gripped my hips.

When I looked up I came face-to-face with the one and only Liam Payne. His eyes red, his breath has a strong sent of whiskey. My body moved against his, he pulled me into him my back to his front as I grind against him. My left arm reached up and wrapped around the back of his neck, tugging on his hair as I dance against him.

"Always loved the way you dance, babe." He whispered in my ear

Liam and I, we aren't a couple. More like friends with benefits, I don't date. And I have my reasons for why not to date. Yeah he's asked me out, but we both agreed on friend with benefits. My eyes landed on the girl across the room who is dancing with some guy. That girl is my best friend she's a party animal, always going hard. She looked back at me with a drunk smile, waving. I should take her home soon.

"Where's Niall?" I asked loudly over the music

"He's with the rest of the boys, want to go to him?" Liam asked, I nodded as he grabbed my hand dragging me towards the VIP section. I wonder what he means 'the rest of the boys' I never met the rest of his mates. As we made it to the curtain that leads to the V.I.P section, gun shots rang through out the whole club with screams following after.

My first thought was to get my drunk best friend and get out of here. Liam held a firm grip onto my hand as he dragged me into the room. I pushed him off me, running towards the dance floor again.

"Kylie! Come back!" He shouted

I kept running looking for Jessica my heart beat was fast. My mind running wild, soon enough a cold metal object was pressed to the back of my head. Raising my hands up in the air I looked to see Jessica standing not far from me, giving her a wink I quickly dropped to the ground as she pulled a hand gun from her waist band. More screams filled the room as the man dropped dead, his gun dropped close to me as I reached for it. Getting up I looked around, more men stood around, grabbing jessicas hand we ran for the door. Shouting and heavy foot steps were heard from behind us, we made it into the back alley.

Guns going off as we run, luckily we weren't hit. Looking back I held the gun up pulling the trigger watching some men drop down. "Jessica run!" I yelled loudly, me and two men stood in the alley way. Jessica had ran out of here, I don't know what I would do if she was to get hurt because of me.

"Ms.King, this will work out better if you just came with us." A tall dark haired man spoke calmly with a gun in hand.

"Who sent you!" I snapped

"The Kerryonions did." The short red hair man said, in his hand he held a knife that dripped of blood. Kerryonions and my people have been at each other's throats for about six years now. They want power to rule everything, so they think by taking me it'll be given. But what they don't know is I'll die for my people, so power will not be given.

Before anything else was side I quickly pulled the trigger shooting the tall dark hair man. He dropped to his knees, then his whole body went limp falling over dead. The short man ran at me with his knife up, dodging him and pushing him to the wall I held the gun to his head.

"Tell those Irish fuckers Kylie King says, Game on." I whispered into his ear before I pistol whipped him, he fell to the ground. Walking slowly down the alley at the end a black familiar SUV pulled up, Rob jumped out. Before he could speak I shoved the hand gun to his chest as I opened the back seat door and getting in. Rob got into the car, driving off as I look back once more at the bodies.

"Is Jessica safe?" I asked softly.

"That's your first question? You just killed about ten men in one night Kylie. And yes she's safe." Rob spoke as his eyes never left the road.

"She's my best friend, so yes it's my first question. And who cares about the men, they were sent by kerryonions." I laughed a little to the last part, Robs eyes widen as he drove. Picking up my phone I put my head phone's in leaning my head against the window, before I fell asleep I quickly texted Liam.

To Liam:

Hey I hope you're safe. I am, sorry I left you I needed to get Jess. But see you tomorrow? Xx


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