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"Its not my blood.." Jessica whispered

That's when reality hit me, pain shot up my arm. My brain triggered all my nerves, the warm blood that was once blue in my veins is now bright warm red running down my arm. My flesh torn open, but by the looks of it, it's not so deep. I hissed in pain as Jess grabbed my arm softly to look at it, she's good at this type of stuff. She wants to be a doctor once college is over.

"The bullet just grazed you, ky. I'm going to wrap it up, it's going to hurt a little." She said, I nodded and clenched my teeth together as she began to wrap a cloth around my arm. "We're going to turn around and hea-"

I cut her off, "No! Drive, I'll be okay." I shouted, Jessica looked at me then nodded as she sat back in the seat and driving back down the road. The cold breeze gave me the chills as Jess continued to drive, every once in a while she would look over at me for a small amount of time probably to make sure I'm still awake, you don't want to fall asleep after getting grazed by a bullet and only wrapping it up with a cloth.

Words cannot describe the pain that I am in but won't allow to show, showing a small amount of pain I know she will turn this car around and take me home and I can't let that happen, this is my last time being able to do a pick up. My father already gave my position away to someone he 'trusts', he must not trust me anymore. I should be looking forwarded to my last pick up but I'm not, I've already been shot at and shot, I just can't wait to get back to my flat and spend time with Liam.

Liam. Oh gosh, he's perfect. He's been there for me, we may use each other for sex and nothing more but now these last couple days have had me thinking about him, about us. I fancy Liam, I want to be able to show him how I truly care. That's exactly what I'll do, I'll finally open up to him. Something I've always been afraid of doing never in my life have I opened up to someone who hasn't already knew what I've been through, like jess and Niall they know alot about me.

As I took in all my surroundings I noticed a white van with tinted widows parked in front of the warehouse that's used for transporting drugs and women who are forced into sex slaves. The women who are kidnapped are placed into my father's bars as waitresses, dancers, and sex slaves. Jessica put the car in park, looking at me. I nodded and we both got out walking towards the large door. Raising my good uninjured arm I knocked loudly on the metal door.

"Who is it!" A deep voice yelled from the other side

"Kylie King, Luciano Mafia." Once those words left my mouth the sound of locks being unlocked filled our ears. The metal door opened to reval a tall, dark haired man, with blue eyes.

"Luciano Mafia, boss has been waiting. Follow." He demanded, jess and I shared a look before following behind.

The door slammed shut behind us causing both Jessica and i to jump, looking back another man who is fairly tall, black hair and brown eyes stood there with his arms crossed watching us closely. Looking around the warehouse all you can see is boxes and a group of sobbing underage girls, then there's men holding guns standing their ground.

"I have a bad feeling about this.." Jess whispered quietly to me

"Its just an in and out job." I shrugged and walked further ahead.

The man who opened the door was further ahead from Jessica and i, at times he would look over his shoulder at us to check if we were still following. When I looked over at jess her eyes were fixed on the group of underage girls, she's always hated that our Mafia kidnaps girls and forces them into slaves. I on the other hand don't really care, I've stopped caring about how others feel ages ago. Something she needs to learn as well, she cares to much. The man pushed open the door in front of us, their boss sat behind his desk with a cigar in his mouth and a glass of whiskey in his hand.

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