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Last night was beyond wild. I  have a head ache for days. Harry didn't show up last night that made it better for me, I actually enjoyed myself for once. I ended up drinking way to much and all I remember is waking up in Liams arms as he laid me in bed, I guess Jessica was drunk too. Liam told me that she crashed at Nialls flat last night. I didn't see her this morning as I got to campus but I did run into Louis and he had to tell me how I was acting last night.. I guess I danced on the bar and managed to steal a bottle of vodka.. But now here I am in class dealing with a painful head ache.

Luckily it's Friday and this is my last lesson of the day until I have to go to work. Harry didn't show today either which is totally fine with me, I don't have to listen to him try and get to know me better. Him and I could be great friends if he hadn't said all those things to me but then again I don't need anymore friends. They only make things harder at the end of the day, Jessica is the only person I could truly count on she always has my back. Then there's Niall we've known eachother for years and he's a great friend. They are the only two I really need.. Harry hes.. He's hot, I'm not going to lie but I can't think of him any other way.

"Miss King."

My professor brought me out of my thoughts, I looked up to see him looking at me from his desk with an eye brow raised. Looking around I see that I'm the only one left in class. I guess I didn't hear the bell go off.. "Oh.. Um sorry?" I said as I picked up my things, he nodded and started to gather his things as well. Quickly I rushed out the room into the breeze way, other college students were rushing around to leave for the weekend. Mostly to set up for parties tonight and tomorrow night. Pulling out my phone I ran into a group of girls, my books and papers fell to the ground.

"Watch where you're going bitch." A blonde headed girl spat.

Looking up at her about to open my mouth until I snapped it shut. My blood started boiling but I can't do anything since we're in public, mostly since we are on campus.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" She said looking down at me.

"N-no.." I mumbled out as I reached for one of my books, only for it to get stepped on by her. Looking up at her I moved my eyes to scan the crowd that was made around us, my eyes locked with a familiar green pair. He stood in the back of the crowd looking at me.

"Helloooo. I'm talking to you." The blonde waved her hand in my face, I looked over at her as her friend whispered in her ear. The girl that whispered in her ear once went to school with me. Ignoring her more I started to gather all my things up, ripping my book from under her foot I stood up brushing off my knees. I went to walk around her, only to get pushed back to where I once stood.

"I won't let you just leave, you wanker." She snapped.

"Look, I'm sorry I ran into you. I have to go." I said quickly trying to walk by again, only to be stopped.

"You can't just disappear like your mum did" the blonde smirked at me, my blood boiled more. I want to just grab her by her hair and smash her face against the wall. Calm down kylie, she isn't worth it.

"Why did she leave? Is it because you're such a slut? Or is it because she didn't love you anymore." Her and the group of girls laughed.

I could feel my eyes start to water, but I won't allow myself to cry. I'm stronger than this. Before I let her speak again I pushed past her and the crowd of people running towards my car. Laughter filled my ears as I ran away, I'm not running because I'm hurt. No. I'm running away before I do something that will get me put in jail.

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