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2:36 AM Harrys POV

My left hand pressed tightly against my side as a way to stop all the blood, I had been cut from a fight I was in as I tried to make my way down towards the basement area where Jessica was being held at. But once I reached the area of the house that I needed to be at, Jessica was gone no where to be seen the only thing left was two dead bodyguards and and empty holding cell. My feet padded against the flooring as I ran through the house once more looking around for her, that's when I hit the ground. A loud bang went off a couple rooms away from me, as I laid on the ground I thought about how I made this promise and need to stick to it.

Getting up I started to run through the house once more looking for her, not just to save her but to save Kylie as well. She has lost it since Jessica left and I feel as if it was my fault for Jessica being taken. My feet took me down another hallway covered in bodies laying in all different kinds of positions, the faint sound of gun fire from the outside rang through the halls. The sound of foot steps caught my attention I turned around quickly bring my AK-47 up with me, but no one is in sight as I turned around I was knocked to the ground but with another body beside me.

"Kendall?" I said in confusion as to why she's here, I haven't seen her in weeks.

"Harry? Oh my God! You have to help me, t-they took me and jessica!" She cried holding on to me tightly, I still was in complete shock to this. How could I have not questioned her disappearance? She use to text me all the time asking to hanging out. The sound of a second bomb went off near us, she cried more into my shoulder. I gripped her and looked into her eyes.

"Kendall there's SUV's outside, get to them. Quickly!" I said as I got up watching her run to find an exit, I was quick on my feet once more running the opposite direction of her to try and find Jessica one more time before I have to give up and leave this death trap. I ran as fast as my legs could go, the smell of smoke reached me as I got close to another room.

Something was puking me towards the door as I reached out to grab the handle my arm was heroes away, my eyes locked with hers. She looks so weak and fragile, before I could speak she collapsed I was quick to catch her before she hit the ground. She was really here.. Now I just have to get both of us out of here without getting even more hurt. Lifting her up into my arms I ran once more.

I can feel the weak beat of her heart under my palms, the dry blood around her mouth, dark bruises around her eye, cheek, and arms. She looks so.. broken and beaten. Snapping out of my thoughts and held her close as I ran down the long hall jumping over bodies, but something in my mind is yelling for me to go back to that room.. but I know I can't I have to get us out. The front door was at the end of the room, I ran faster.


Nialls POV

My eyes never left the house in front of me as I watched half of it go up into flames, people already ran out of the building. Other Members of the mafia made it out already, not all. Harry, Jessica, and Kylie are still inside there.. I've tried to go back in but was pulled back by Rob who is in charge of this mission, he has tried to hide his emotions on his face. But I can see one emotion, worry. Kylie hasn't made it out and that's the main thing he's worried about, she was his responsibility hell she was all of ours.

"Load up, there's no one left!" Rob shouted, my eyes went wide as I watched everyone load into the SUVs.

"No! They're.. They are gonna come!" I yelled as tears perked up in my eyes, without saying anything Rob grabbed me shoving me into the car. I never fought against anyone in the mafia but by god did I take a chonce, the door was slammed shut. I looked over hearing crying as I looked kendall was leaning against the window crying her eyes out.

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