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I jerked awake to the sound of gun fire, Jessica was still sound asleep on the other side of my bed. Slipping out of bed I walked across the room to the window, white smoke came off of buildings that were once on fire. Bodyguards still outside everywhere, all still holding guns as well as pacing back and forth. Everything that had happened yesterday came crawling back into my mind, the way his body hit the ground, his light blue eyes wide open and lifeless.

I would be lying if I said it was fine that a life was taken, because honestly every time I take a life I feel as if my soul darkens. I have no right to take a life, no one does but in the moment when you're about to be killed you don't think twice when you pull the trigger. You live with the blood of your victim on your hands for the rest of your life. You live with the regret as well, some who kill feel no remorse. When I take a life I don't care at the moment but when it's all over I feel as if I want to die as well.

I was surprised to hear a light knock on my bedroom door, my feet carried me to the door. Slowly opening it I came face-to-face with Rob, "Good morning." I sent him a small smile

"You too, Um Rose sent me to tell you that breakfast will be ready soon." He said with his hands pushed in his black jean pockets

"Okay, I need to get Jess up. Then shower and I'll be down there." He nodded and turned on his heels away from my room. Turning around I seen that she was already awake, she sent me a weak smile. We didn't say anything as I walked to the bathroom shutting the door behind me as she walked out of my room. Turning on the hot water I turned to take my clothes off, I jumped to my reflection in the mirror dark bags uder my eyes and my hair a mess, I looked like hell.

As soon as I was undressed I stepped into the shower letting the hot water run down my body, grabbing shampoo I scrubbed my scalp then washed it all out then put conditioner in letting it set in for a while until I fully washed it all out. As the room filled with steam I couldn't help but let my body slide down the shower wall, bring my knees up to my chest hugging them for dear life as my tears mixed in with the hot water. The world has fallen and every gang will be after me, I am no where near safe anymore. Things will only get worse with time, it's a war zone outside in the city most likely a war zone across the world as well.

Why is it so different now? Why is the way his lifeless eyes looked into mine burned into my brain? I've seen many life's being taken, but the way he looked at me as he hit the ground opened a wound that I wish would never be reopened. His eyes reminded me of her. The why she looked at me with tears streaming down her face, that mixed in with blood. The same colored eyes as hers that showed no light, just darkness as she laid there lifeless looking into my soul.

Before I knew it I was dressed and walking out of my room wearing a pair of booty shorts, neon pink shirt, with a pair of black vans. As I entered the kitchen Rob and Rose came into sight both talking and making sandwiches and bottle waters filled the counter top.

"What's all this?" I asked, they both looked up sending me a small smile

"I thought it would be good to feed the men outside." Rose smiled as she finished making the last sandwich, I nodded and took a seat at the table were my breakfast waited for me. Rose ran in and out of the house taking the men food and water, as I ate. Rob started to load the clips to our guns.

"So I have a meeting with Ed today.." I spoke up looking at my food

"Boss doesn't want you leaving here." Rob said as he shoved the clip back in.

"Well it's a big meeting, at his tattoo shop. I need to-" He cut me off

"No. I was given orders." He snapped, rolling my eyes I took a couple bites of food before getting up and putting it by the sink. Picking up the Beretta 92FS I cocked it before putting the safety on.

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