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Trailer on YouTube, it won't let me post it on wattpad :/

I'll post the link in comments.

Waking up early I threw my hair up in a messy bun and made my way downstairs to make breakfast for James before I drive him to school. Last night is just something I wish to forget but I cant, every time I push it away from my thoughts it slowly creeps back for me to think about. My cheek is a little bruised but nothing big, make up will surely help cover it up good enough so I won't be questioned at all. I just can't believe he hit me, he has never once laid a hand on me.. I know I was in the wrong for yelling at him, but but did he really need to slap me? If mum was here she would be going crazy on him for hitting me.

But she's not here and there's nothing I can do about that, only thing I can do is suck it up feed James, drop him off at school, and get to working on Re-ups and other things. After everything that happened last night I checked on James and he was so shaken up from all the yelling and door slamming, I crawled into bed with him and held him until he fell back asleep. Seeing him scared broke me, I never want him to be scared. I use to be scared from the things I heard when I was little, and it made me grow up faster once I found out the truth to what was scaring me.

"Morning!" I jumped dropping my spoon On the ground, turning to see James all dressed and ready for school.

"You scared me." I laughed picking up the spoon putting it in the sink and putting eggs, bacon and pancakes onto a plate for him. "Here you go, love." I smiled putting the plate in front of him.

"Thanks, are you taking me to school or will Rob?" James asked with a mouthful of food.

"I am today." He nodded and continued to eat, I sat next to him drinking coffee and scrolling through my phone on Twitter. Scrolling through all the boring tweets my phone suddenly dinged with a notification on Twitter.

@ky.king Today's the day..

I must have at least read this tweet over and over about ten times, what does this mean? Who is this anonymous person? They have no profile picture or any information.. I guess I'll be having to hack into some things once I get back. Today's Monday, nothing big is happening today, I have barely any plans. It must just be some sick joke to get me shaken up.

James was about done with his food, he ate quietly while playing on his game boy. He's so innocent. He doesn't know about half the things that happen out in this world we live in, James doesn't know the things I've done or even the things his foster dad has done. His 'father' Richard is apart of the Mafia, he's one of my father's best men.

"Morning" A deep raspy voice said.

My mouth dropped open to the sight in front of me; shirtless Harry. I've never realized how many tattoos he truly has until now, and just.. wow. His hair was messy and sticking up everywhere he looks pretty sexy in the mornings.. no! Bad kylie!

"Who are you, little man?" Harry asked James as I shut my mouth looking at him up and down.

"Im James, Kylie's neighbor. You?" He said nicely smiling.

"Im Harry." James smiled and was about to speak until I beat him to it, still looking at Harry. He must have felt me looking cause he locked eyes with me smirking and winking at me.

"James go get your bag and some money out of my room for lunch, yeah?" I said not looking over at him, but I see him out of the corner of my eye as he nodded getting down from the stool and running out of the kitchen leaving me and Harry alone for the first time in a while.. since that day. My thoughts automatically take me back to the way Harry looked at me after I killed that man, the way he screamed my name as I ran off like a coward away from him.

Boss's Daughter [H.S]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें